
NaMoura - Na Mouraria: Heritage-making, (in)securities and urban imaginaries in Lisbon’s historic centre

Principal researcher: Vera Lazzaretti

Research group: Circulation and Place-Making


Heritage | Security | Urban imaginaries | Everyday life | Mouraria

Funding Institution

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia



Start date


End date





NaMoura takes Lisbon’s Mouraria as the prism through which to investigate under-re-searched entangled geographies of heritage and security in the urban world. How do heritage and security align and interact to inform the imagining and making of cities? The project addresses this question by a) revisiting archival material and scholarship on the neighbourhood in light of the above new research question; and b) researching ethnographically the discursive and material unfolding of heritage and security as it is experienced and made sense of by a variety of people. NaMoura tests and comple-ments theoretical intuitions and analytical lenses that emerged from the PI’s work in urban India on a differently southern empirical ground. Insights from Mouraria—an epitome of unsettling contemporary urban dynamics (e.g. migration, touristiGication, gentriGication, regeneration) in which both security and heritage play overlooked roles —will contribute to theorise heritage and security anew, as interconnected urban pro-cesses.


Full members

José Mapril

Associated researchers

Pedro Pestana Soares

Full members

Ruy Llera Blanes