

1-10 of the 8935 Publications

Data updated on 08-09-2024, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

Exhibition catalog

As mulheres na construção do “Mundo da Moda” em Portugal

Silvano, Filomena. 20. 2025.

Journal article

Managerialism and Democratic Governance in Portuguese Higher Education: Assessing the Impact of the Legal Framework

João Mineiro. Higher Education Policy. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-023-00334-z . 10.1057/s41307-023-00334-z . Published

Other output

Coisas e pessoas de muitos sítios do mundo

Silvano, Filomena; Silvano, Filomena. 2024. https://soundcloud.com/user-764843602/coisas-e-pessoas-de-muitos-sitios-do-mundo-por-filomena-silvano?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing . Documentário Sonoro - Open House Lisboa

Newspaper article

Habitação Contra a Especulação II: Cooperativas

Olival, Luís Filipe. MAPA: Jornal de Informação Crítica. 02-04-2024.

Book chapter

ÁFRICA E SUAS REPRESENTAÇÕES: breve análise sobre as representações e os discursos sobre África a partir do Brasil

Campelo, Alvaro; Ivaldo Marciano de França Lima; Cipriano, Patrício Batsîkama Mampuya; Cinthia Nolácio de Almeida Maia. Difusão de Conhecimento e Culturas.. Editora Universidade Federal da Bahía.. Salvador, Brazil. 2024. Published

Journal article

Conducting Research with Unaccompanied Refugee Minors within an Institutional Context: Challenges and Insights

Santinho, Cristina; Krysanova, Olga. Social Sciences. 7. 13. 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci13070331 . 10.3390/socsci13070331 . Published

Conference poster

In the Lab: The Use of Photogrammetry as a Means of Digital Reconstruction and Preservation of Fragmented Human Remains

Carlos Moreira; Anne Malcherek; Steffi Vassallo; Valeria Florea; Silvia Casimiro; Sara Gaspar; Nuno Neto; et al. DARIAH Annual Event 2024 . 17-06-2024.

Conference poster

From the Field: The Use of Photogrammetry to Explore Complex Burials in Archaeological Contexts

Luis Reis; Valeria Florea; Silvia Casimiro; Sara Gaspar; Nuno Neto; Carlos Moreira; Steffi Vassallo; et al. DARIAH Annual Event 2024 . 17-06-2024.

Conference poster

Protect Great Apes from Disease: from assessing visitor compliance and developing education materials to next steps

Chesney, Chloe; Hockings, Kimberley. 10th Meeting of the European Federation for Primatology. 06-06-2024.

Conference abstract

Understanding primate distribution through group interviews inside and outside protected areas in southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Amélia Frazão-Moreira. 07-06-2024.