
Doctoral Programmes



The doctoral programme ‘Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology’ aims to provide a diversified and critical approach to contemporary issues related to the production and reproduction of cultural forms with special emphasis on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Although the programme focuses on cultural practices and on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Portugal, it also covers research in three geographical areas: Mediterranean countries, Brazil and African Portuguese-speaking countries. This programme has a strong interdisciplinary component, focuses on research and the acquisition of professional competences in order to coordinate with UNESCO and ICTM (International Council of Traditional Music), and privileges the students’ mobility.

Focused on expressive cultures, the program addresses issues such as:

  • the study of rituals and cultural performances
  • the interface between natural and cultural heritage
  • the role of museums and tourism in the objectification of culture
  • the circulation and rescaling of cultural forms
  • the interplay between material and immaterial forms of cultural expressions

The FCT funded PhD in Anthropology: Politics and Displays of Culture and Museology opened in October 2013, October 2015 and October 2018, each edition having awarded 8 FCT PhD studentships (4 national studentships and 4 mix studentships).




Iscte is a pioneering institution in Portugal with respect to the creation of doctoral degrees in Anthropology: in 1991 it inaugurated the Doctoral Program in Social Anthropology (PDAS), and in 2003 the International Doctoral Program in Urban Anthropology (PRODAU).
Currently, the doctoral program in Anthropology (Bologna model) provides the basis for research directed towards the elaboration of an original dissertation, considered as a contribution to the advancement of knowledge. The duration of the degree program is 3 years, and is comprised of 180 credits (European Credit Transfer System – ECTS). 

During the first year (60 credits), doctoral candidates widen their general training and prepare a research project, which is submitted for approval by two specialists in the Department. This step is a prerequisite for acceptance in the program’s 2nd and 3rd years (120 credits), which are dedicated to fieldwork, library and archive research, analysis of results, and the elaboration of a thesis. 

The doctoral degree (Ph.D.) confirms a high level of competence. Some major fields of professional activity which have already been developed include the following: cultural policies, tangible and intangible heritage and the field of museum studies; human rights and humanitarian policies; development and international cooperation within the context of globalization; migrations and diasporas; the effects of culture on the environment.
«"Anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities", said Alfred Kroeber. Learning Anthropology means making the strange familiar and the familiar strange. Doctoral training at Iscte aims at preparing scientists who are capable of understanding, of interpreting, and of explaining to the wider society how human diversity is articulated in the contemporary world.»


Universidade de Coimbra


The PhD in Anthropology is designed to meet the current requirements of the PhD within the European area and to adapt the activities of advanced study and research to the current reality in the field of anthropology, subdivided into three specialisations: Biological Anthropology, Social and Cultural Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology. In particular, the branches in Biological Anthropology and Forensic Anthropology are completely unique in Portugal. The programme aims to study human health, disease, and well-being; the understanding of the human variation, in past and living populations, from a bio-cultural point of view; social practices and representations of culture, politics, patrimony and museums; topics such as human evolution, human ecology, bioarchaeology/skeletal biology, paleopathology, genetics, forensics, cultural and social dynamics.

University of Coimbra



O doutoramento em Antropologia da NOVA FCSH oferece uma formação sólida, atual e comprometida em Antropologia e nas práticas e metodologia etnográficas, contando com a colaboração de duas Unidades de Investigação: o CRIA e o IHC

A diversidade de áreas de especialidade oferecidas permite o acolhimento de candidatos com diferentes backgrounds académicos e percursos profissionais.

Confere competências tanto nos domínios da investigação quanto da intervenção ação/pública em domínios como o do património material e imaterial e turismo, das culturas visuais e artísticas, do Ambiente e conservação, ou os das políticas sociais e de inclusão. A experiência de pesquisa dos docentes potencia o desenvolvimento da investigação tanto em contextos culturais nacionais, quanto internacionais, entre outros os africanos, os árabes e islâmicos e os latino americanos.

O doutoramento aposta, ao mesmo tempo na interdisciplinaridade proporcionada pelo ambiente da Faculdade em que se insere, que beneficia a adequação a itinerários particulares de acordo com os temas de interesse dos candidatos.

A estrutura do doutoramento baseia-se num tronco curricular comum, com oferta de alguns seminários opcionais no primeiro ano curricular, acompanhado por um tutor, e o desenvolvimento do projeto de Tese, cuja aprovação em Prova pública permitirá o avanço sustentado para o desenvolvimento da Tese nos anos posteriores.

Poster [PDF]
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Doutoramento em Antropologia - uma organização conjunta do Iscte e da NOVA FCSH.
Os Departamentos de Antropologia da NOVA FCSH e do Iscte consolidaram-se, desde a década de 1980, nas duas principais referências do ensino da antropologia em Portugal.

No século XXI, os seus centros de investigação uniram-se no CRIA (Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia), a que pertence a maioria dos docentes do Doutoramento - além do CEI-IUL (Centro de Estudos Internacionais), CICS-NOVA (Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais) e IHC (Instituto de História Contemporânea).

Ambos os programas doutorais juntam-se agora, também, na criação de um Doutoramento em associação, incentivando assim a cooperação entre docentes, investigadores e recursos de ambas as instituições, com o objetivo de consolidar um programa doutoral com sinergias e escala de âmbito e qualidade internacionais.

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