External principal researcher: Irene Stengs (Meertens Institute)
Research group: Circulation and Place-Making
Preservation and restoration of cultural heritage | Cultural history | Memory studies | Religious studies and theology
HERA-JRP-Uses of the Past
University of Copenhagen (coord.); Meertens Institute - Research and Documentation of Dutch Language and Culture; University of East Anglia; Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - Jagiellonian University, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas - FLUL
GA 649307 (HERA.15.033)
HERILIGION seeks to understand the consequences of the heritagization of religious sites, objects and practices which were not considered heritage before, and which may provoke tensions between heritage and religious constituencies, between religious and secular sacralizations and uses, and between different disciplines and management regimes. HERILIGION will produce new insights which can be used to understand, manage and defuse tensions, benefiting both religious and heritage constituencies in Europe. The research will take place at religious and heritage sites in Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and the UK, and focus on emerging practical heritage (so-called intangible cultural heritage) in these countries.
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