
Com o Sonho nas Mãos – das Barracas à Dignidade

Principal researcher: Vanessa Iglésias Amorim

External principal researcher: Leonardo Silva

Research group: Livelihoods, Politics and Inequalities


Housing | Oral history | Performance | Carnation revolution | Documentary

Funding Institution

Direção-Geral das Artes


Câmara Municipal de Setúbal, União Setubalense



Start date


End date



After the 25th of April, popular struggles for the right to decent housing took place across the country, with Setúbal being one of the cities where this demand gained greater expression. The proliferation of several poor neighborhoods and the feeling that the Revolution had also been for improving the living conditions of the most disadvantaged led to the consolidation of a movement of residents who, with their political intervention, promoted the creation of a pioneering program, the SAAL. This program was innovative, not only because it provided financing for the construction of several neighborhoods, but, above all, because house planning was made in collaboration between residents, architects, engineers, and students. Bairro do Grito do Povo was one of the first SAAL neighborhoods. “Com o Sonhos nas Mãos” is a documentary based on interviews with residents, which will feature animated illustrations of shared memories, combined with a performance created site-specific through the testimonies collected. We'll interview residents from different generations to understand how this memory and history were transmitted and how they look at these processes. We also want to know how new generations look at the issue of housing in these times, understanding the Past as a tool for building the Present and not just as nostalgia. The creation, collection, and research process will be the basis for publishing a Book and a site-specific Performance in the neighborhood. The importance of intergenerational dialogue will be present in a common struggle for the right to memory, history, and housing.


Inês Oliveira

Leonardo Silva

Patrícia Pereira Paixão

Paula Moita