Edifício C, sala 011, NOVA FCSH, Av. Berna, 26, 1069-061 Lisboa
The Environmental anthropology and behavioural Ecology Laboratory (LAE) was founded in 2015 as a response to the need of storing, identifying and analysing the materials and ethnographic data collected by researchers of the research group Environment, Sustainability and Ethnography (DASE).
LAE aims to support three main activities:
- The treatment, preservation and study of biological specimens collected during research projects that constitute referential collections for future researches;
- Behavioural and ecological analysis of non-humans with special focus on non-human primates through images registered in wild environments;
- The archive of ethnographic and documentary information from research projects of the DASE RG.
The LAE collections consist of an Herbarium (LAECRIA) and a seed collection, mainly Guinea-Bissau specimens (summing up around 350 vouchers specimens and 110 seeds) in addition to different databases: videos and footages of zoological species captured by camera traps; photographs of non-human primates; images from field work carried out in different contexts;, audio documents, transcriptions of interviews and maps developed within the scope of different research projects.
LAE is where the research on these different collections and databases is conducted, but it is also the infrastructure that hosts the advanced training of graduate and post-graduate students when initiating their research careers, as well as PhD students.