Edifício C, sala 011, NOVA FCSH, Av. Berna, 26, 1069-061 Lisboa / Ala Autónoma, sala AA126, ISCTE-IUL, Av. Forças Armadas 1649-026 Lisboa
The Audiovisual Laboratory has facilities at both NOVA FCSH and ISCTE-IUL divisions and supports the study of visual aspects related to cultural practices and display by offering technical equipment and expertise to researchers carrying on film production, particularly ethnographic and documentary film. It therefore articulates foremost with the activities developed in the scope of the thematic line Visual Anthropology and Arts Laboratory (NAVA), both concerning research project and training courses.
The Audiovisual Laboratory offers audio and video equipment and the associated software necessary to the editing and development of high quality broadcasting films and documentaries. Both its facilities and equipment are at the disposal of CRIA researchers and the post-graduate students of Digital Visual Cultures (ISCTE-IUL) and Anthropology: Visual Cultures (NOVA FCSH).