
Rir ou não rir, eis a questão – contextos de produção e receção de humor na era do politicamente correto

Principal researcher: Joana Solipa Batista

Research group: Practices and Politics of Culture


Comedy | Stand up comedy | Performance | Freedom of expression



Start date


End date





This research aims to study the production and reception of humour, in the context of the artistic practice of stand up comedy. The research will take place in Portugal (Lisbon), through an ethnographic approach, articulating different methodological procedures such as documentary, participant and non-participant observation and case study. The objectives are to theoretically frame humour and the stand up format, contextualising its arrival in Portugal; to understand the dynamics between stand up comedian and audience; to explore how the different contexts of production and dissemination of humour influence reception; and to articulate with the themes of freedom of expression and political correctness. The aim is to observe the contestation, resistance, negotiation or acceptance of the transgression of humour, namely in sensitive issues, and to map the typologies and characteristics of political and social intervention in humour, based on the motivations, the way of doing and writing stand up, the topics covered and the reception.


Full members

Margarida Fernandes