Preparatory document for the 1st Lisbon City Council Plan for Gender Equality

Principal researcher: Antónia Pedroso de Lima

Research group: Livelihoods, Politics and Inequalities


Gender equality | Public policies | Municipality of Lisbon

Funding Institution

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa



Start date


End date



Equality between people is an essential pillar for creating a free, just and solidary society. In order to ensure the implementation and the full and effective enforcement of this constitutional norm and the national legal framework, framed in a broader international legal framework, the Lisbon City Council plans to prepare and approve a Municipal Plan for Gender Equality. This initiative is based on the commitment to implement public policies regarding citizenship and the promotion of gender equality, following the guidelines of the National Plan for Gender Equality, Citizenship and Non-Discrimination. The implementation of the Municipal Plan for Gender Equality by the CML will help to improve the social relations of its citizens and the quality of life of a city where all men and women can live on equal terms. This will also help ensure egalitarian and non-discriminatory practices and activities of all CML services both in its internal operations and in the relations with its users and with its partners, including its services providing entities. The objective of this PMIG is then to reduce the structural asymmetry in social, economic, labor and political status between women and men living in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lisbon and promote an active form of equality between women and men.