
Indigenous women, the non-human world and gender: Comparing Amazon and Siberia

Principal researcher: Selcen Kucukustel

Research group: Livelihoods, Politics and Inequalities


Ecological anthropology | Ecofeminism | Ontological turn | Siberia | Amazon

Funding Institution



Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Start date


End date



GA 101107342


ECOFEMINDI investigates the relations between women and nonhuman world, importance of traditional ecological knowledge that women possess in indigenous societies and how this knowledge affects the role of women, their status and prestige in the household and the society they live in. After decades of discussions about nature/culture dichotomy and the dominant role of humans on nature and other nonhuman persons, today ecofeminists agree that there is also a parellel between the domination of nature and exploitation of women. Meanwhile, in the middle of environmental conflicts, political ontology discuss the need for pluriverse as a possibility instead of dualism of human and animals in Western world, taking indigenous ideas about their geography that involves nonhumans and master spirits more seriously. Siberia and Amazon regions often host the base for theoretical discussions about animism and nonhuman persons in literature. However, the gender perspective of these ontologies is hardly mentioned and this caused the human-environment relations being described rarely through the lens of critical feminist anthropology. In order to answer the research questions, Ecofem.indi will use qualitative research methods of social anthropology in two indigenous communities in Amazons and Siberia with a participatory methodology to understand the relations between women and nonhuman world.


Full members

Antónia Pedroso de Lima