Xénia Venusta de Carvalho

Xénia Venusta de Carvalho


Associated researchers


Research Context

Sub-Saharan Africa | Ethnic Minorities in Europe

Research Interests

Anthropology | Identity | Memory | Life histories | Ethnography | Narrative | Participatory methodologies

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

I am an Anthropologist, consultant and teacher/trainer with expertise on research methodologies, participatory methodologies, international development, social and human sciences. I am a Doctor of Philosophy, PhD in Education and International Development with regional expertise on sub-Saharan Africa (2016, College of Social Sciences, University of Brighton, UK), with a Master in Social Sciences/Anthropology (2004, ICS/UL) and a BA in Anthropology (4 years degress, 1996, FCSH/UNL). As an anthropologist, I develop research about identity and memory transmission over three generations in Europe and Africa. As a consultant, I work with international and national organizations in the social health, gender, politics, human rights, communication and education areas. As a teacher/trainer, I have been teaching in Mozambique, UK and Portugal. In Mozambique, I was a Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology (DAA), University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), teaching in the area of qualitative methodologies and ethnography, as well as anthropology of symbolic and anthropology and psychology. In the UK, I was teaching at the University of Brighton and London in the area of research methodologies, education and ethics, as well as Portuguese as a foreigner language. In Portugal, I develop professional training in research for academic, technical and fiction purposes and academic writing; been an Invited Assistant Professor at FCSH/UNL ; am a Research Associate at CRIA/ISCTE; and informal education programmes, team management, negotiation, conflict management, MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) of projects at CECOA. Since I graduate in Anthropology, I have been working in several academic and non-academic projects.


Collaborator (2016-06-21)

All projects

Data updated on 16-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


DIGITAL PR - Digital Peer Review for green and digital VET


Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)

CECOA; KPMPC - Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre; LESTU - LIETUVOS SVIETIMO IR MOKSLO PROFESINE SAJUNGA; FORMA.Azione; EfVET - European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training

Financiers: Erasmus Plus


VET CARE - Building Capacity and VET for Migrants Care Workers in Europe




Financiers: Erasmus+


RetRail - New Trends in Retail Commerce




Financiers: ES01 - Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) / ERASMUS +


QUANTUM -QUAlity Networks: fine-TUning Monitoring systems for better performances in VET



CECOA; SIOV - State Vocational Education Institute

Financiers: Erasmus Plus


IgualPro - As profissões não têm género

EEA Grants


CECOA; CITE (Comissão para a Igualdade no trabalho e emprego)

Financiers: EEA Grants


DiGiGo - Apprenticeships in the digital era



CECOA; CDE Petra Patrimonia (França)

Financiers: ERASME


Evaluating the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) in Mozambique: Endline Survey



Financiers: USAID


Crossing the Teas

Crossing the Teas



Financiers: Heritage Lottery Fund


Engaging young children in research

Engaging young children in research


University of Brighton - Falmer Campus

Financiers: Bernard Van Leer Foundation; University of Brighton - Falmer Campus


The construction of knowledge in post-colonial societies: identity and education over three generations in Mozambique

Applicant No: 12838319

PhD Student Fellow

University of Brighton - Falmer Campus

Financiers: University of Brighton

All Publications

Data updated on 16-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Newspaper article

Carta a um assassino

Carvalho, X., Observatório da Imprensa. 07-08-2024.

Newspaper article

A Virgem negra que enterra os mortos (d)existentes

Carvalho, X., Observatório da Imprensa. 10-12-2023.


Project ONE - External Evaluation FINAL REPORT (on behalf of CECOA)

Carvalho, X., 22. 1. Rete Italiana Istruzione degli Adulti - RIDAP FORMA.Azione KERIGMA - - Instituto de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social de Barcelos APEFA - Associação Portuguesa para a Educação e Formação de Adultos SIOV - State Vocational Education Institute Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) GLOBEDU . 2023. https://www.adult-learning.eu/en/project-one/ .


Project ONE - External Evaluation 1ST REPORT 31 May 2023 (on behalf of CECOA)

Carvalho, Xénia, 18. 1. Rete Italiana Istruzione degli Adulti - RIDAP FORMA.Azione GLOBEDU KERIGMA - - Instituto de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social de Barcelos APEFA - Associação Portuguesa para a Educação e Formação de Adultos SIOV - State Vocational Education Institute Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Slovak Republic (AIVD) . 2023. https://www.adult-learning.eu/en/project-one/ .

Journal article

Introduction (to the SPECIAL ISSUE: Resilience and methodological resistance: ethnographies of Mozambique during pandemic times)

Adalima, José; Carvalho, Xénia; Florêncio, Fernando José Pereira ; Jossias, Elísio; Meneses, Maria Paula, Anthropology Southern Africa. 77 - 89. 2. 46. 2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23323256.2023.2247442 . Published

Journal article

Portrait of an ethnography during pandemic times: Bagamoyo remote reconstruction and the (un)Freire of literacy policies in Mozambique

Carvalho, Xénia, Anthropology Southern Africa. 90 - 102. 2. 46. 2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23323256.2023.2247439 . Published

Journal issue

SPECIAL ISSUE: Resilience and methodological resistance: ethnographies of Mozambique during pandemic times

Anthropology Southern Africa. 2. 46. 25-10-2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rasa20/46/2 . Published

Newspaper article

Da história apenas resta uma versão: a capacidade de (des)pertença

Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 26-03-2023.

Journal article

Memories of (Un)Freire literacy policies in Southern Africa from the 1970s on: telling the (hi)story through life histories and photography of (dis)empowerment in Mozambique

Carvalho, X., Lusotopie. 1 - 28. 1. XXII. 2023. https://journals.openedition.org/lusotopie/6818 . Published

Conference paper

Portrait of an ethnography during pandemic times: Bagamoyo remote reconstruction and the (Un)Freire of literacy policies in Mozambique

Carvalho, X., Évora, Portugal. 06-09-2022. Published

Newspaper article

Anatomia da normalidade em tempos incertos: (des)costurando a mulher e a loucura

Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 22-06-2022.

Conference paper

Gender, health and field encounters in Southern Africa: methodological innovation on data collection methods for evaluating international development programmes

Carvalho, Xénia, Lisbon, Portugal. 28-06-2022. Published

Newspaper article

'Pensar sem corrimão': Fórmula para te (des)banalizares

Carvalho, Xénia, Observatório da Imprensa. 03-12-2022.

Magazine article

O futuro de tod@s: o novo modelo de Ensino e Formação Profissional em Portugal

Carvalho, X., CECOA e-Newsletter. Dezembro. Lisboa, Portugal. 23-12-2022. https://cecoa.pt/news/show/786# .

Magazine article

Somos tod@s iguais, somos tod@s digitais

Carvalho, Xénia de, Business. Setembro. Lisboa, Portugal. 01-09-2022. https://issuu.com/revistabusinessportugal/docs/rbp_setembro_high_quality_compressed .

Magazine article

O impacto da pandemia no Ensino e Formação Profissional: Desafios e obstáculos em Portugal

Carvalho, Xénia de, CECOA e-newsletter. Dez. 1. Lisboa, Portugal. 12-2021. https://www.cecoa.pt/news/show/759.html .

Newspaper article

Uma voz feminina na pandemia: “Cidadã de segunda classe”

Carvalho, X., Observatório da Imprensa. 17-01-2021.

Newspaper article

A (in)capacidade de manter um homem na sepultura: a matemática como acto de (re)insistência

Carvalho, X., Observatório da Imprensa. 07-12-2021.

Journal article

The use of languages as tool to (re)create social and national identities over three generations in Mozambique from 1975 to modern times

Carvalho, X., Portuguese Studies Review. 149 - 188. 2. 28. 2021. https://www.academia.edu/49235741/The_Use_of_Languages_as_Tool_to_re_Create_Social_and_National_Identities_over_Three_Generations_in_Mozambique_from_1975_to_Modern_Times . Published

Newspaper article

“O país que ainda não existia” e a morte da máquina de costura

Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 08-04-2020.

Newspaper article

Quanto pesam as palavras? Da liberdade sonhada à liberdade driblada

Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 14-01-2020.

Newspaper article

A raça, o novo amanhecer e a autenticação do ser

Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 29-06-2020.

Newspaper article


Carvalho, Xénia de, Observatório da Imprensa. 04-05-2020.

Journal article

“Em Moçambique... Epa, porra! Os filhos dos dirigentes tinham uma escola!” – Memórias de três gerações e suas narrativas escolares em África subsariana

Carvalho, X., Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. 161 - 185. 39. 2020. https://journals.openedition.org/cea/4997 . 10.4000/cea.4997 . Published

Newspaper article

O encontro com a Justiça entre caixões e piolhos sob vigia – Do julgamento à execução de Sócrates

Carvalho, Xénia; Carvalho, Xénia de, 04-10-2019.

Newspaper article

A resistência ao totalitarismo por um italiano em segunda mão achado em África - “O homem que se perdeu a si mesmo”

Carvalho, Xénia; Carvalho, Xénia de, 19-09-2019.


Pesquisar para Escrever

Carvalho, Xénia de, Escrever Escrever. Lisboa, Portugal. 2019. Published


Escrita Académica

Carvalho, Xénia de, Escrever Escrever. Lisboa, Portugal. 2019. Published


Narratives of Referral Experiences for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Complications in Mozambique, Nampula Province: Findings from a Qualitative Study

COWI; USAID/MCSP; MISAU, 28. 1. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) COWI Ministério da Saúde . 2019. https://www.mcsprogram.org/resource/narratives-of-referral-experiences-for-maternal-newborn-and-child-health-complications-in-mozambique-nampula-province/ .


Male Engagement and Couples Communication in Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health in Nampula and Sofala Provinces of Mozambique - Findings from the Knowledge, Attitudes and Coverage Endline Qualitative Assessment

COWI; USAID/MCSP; MISAU, 38. 1. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) COWI Ministério da Saúde . 2019. https://www.mcsprogram.org/resource/male-engagement-and-couples-communication-in-reproductive-maternal-and-child-health-in-nampula-and-sofala-provinces-of-mozambique/ .

Newspaper article

Entrevista: "Para Angola o problema não são os recursos. O problema são os políticos, a corrupção e o que constitui prioridade para a nomenclatura"

Carvalho, Xénia, 04-06-2018.

Newspaper article

Eurico Monteiro, Embaixador de Cabo Verde em Portugal: "Temos a vantagem estratégica de estarmos onde estamos, mas essa posição também constitui uma fragilidade”

Carvalho, Xénia, 19-06-2018.

Newspaper article

Entrevista: Ataques a civis no norte de Moçambique - Do "Boko Haram" moçambicano à " fragilidade institucional" no país

Carvalho, Xénia, 25-06-2018.

Newspaper article

Entrevista: A Renamo “parece ter-se reinventado nos últimos anos, com um apoio popular cada vez mais crescente e até em zonas historicamente hostis”

Carvalho, Xénia, 08-08-2018.

Newspaper article

Entrevista: As autarquias em Angola – "da paz militar instituída" à "paz civil desejada"

Carvalho, Xénia, 20-07-2018.

Conference paper

Do comunismo ao neoliberalismo em Moçambique: a escola como instrumento de (i)mobilidade identitária e (re)criadora de fronteiras sociais e políticas

Carvalho, Xénia, Lisboa, Portugal. 21-10-2016. Published

Thesis / Dissertation

The construction of knowledge in post-colonial societies: identity and education over three generations in Mozambique

Carvalho, X., phd. 2016. https://research.brighton.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/the-construction-of-knowledge-in-postcolonialsocieties-identity-a .

Conference paper

Witnessing stories in the Grey Zone: complicity and anthropological research in Mozambique

Carvalho, Xénia, United Kingdom. 01-04-2015. Published

Conference paper

Academic contributor’s perspective: working with the Sudanese Women & Children’s group

Carvalho, Xénia de, Brighton, United Kingdom. 30-06-2015. Published

Online resource

Crossing The Teas - A Community Arts & Heritage Project

Carvalho, Xénia, 2015.

Conference paper

The construction of knowledge in post-colonial societies: Listening to the life histories of three generations in Mozambique (Peer review - individual paper presentation with University of Brighton Research Student Conference Support Fund - RSCSF - Award)

Carvalho, Xénia, Wales, United Kingdom. 09-12-2014. Published

Journal article

The Waithood Generation: an African perspective about youth’s strategies in the contemporary world

Carvalho, X., Research in Education. 5 - 6. 1. 6. 2014. https://www.brighton.ac.uk/_pdf/research/education/red%20publications/red_vol6_no_1-5.pdf . Published

Conference paper

The construction of knowledge in post-colonial societies: a case study of personal and social identity over three generations in Mozambique

Carvalho, Xénia de, Brighton, United Kingdom. 01-08-2014. Published


Identidade e Memória na Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa

Carvalho, X., ICS. Lisboa, Portugal. 2014. Published

Conference paper

The construction of knowledge in post-colonial societies: Listening to the life histories of three generations in Southern Africa

Carvalho, Xénia de, Brighton, United Kingdom. 02-07-2014. Published

Conference paper

Into the field with the ¿other¿: reflections upon pedagogy and culture in African contexts (with David Stephens, UoB)

Stephens, David, Brighton, United Kingdom. 11-12-2013. Published

Newspaper article

Histórias de desencanto e reencontro em África

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.

Newspaper article

Da Banalidade do Mal – Hannah Arendt e o julgamento de Eichmann em Jerusalém

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.

Newspaper article

A sexualidade, a morte e o destino – Da tragédia grega à actualidade

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.

Newspaper article

A loucura é normal – Sobre “O Alienista” de Machado de Assis

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.

Newspaper article

Somos todos estrangeiros – Sobre um livro que fala do absurdo

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.


Gender-related baseline assessment - "Action plan for women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation for the Norwegian Embassy in Maputo

COWI. 7. 1. COWI . 2012.

Newspaper article

Do direito do Estado a decidir a nossa morte – Apontamentos sobre “A Morte” de Filomena Mónica

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2012.

Newspaper article

Novas formas de contestação social – A queda de Mubarak

Carvalho, X., Domingo. 2011.

Conference paper

Identidade e memória na Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa (CIL)

Carvalho, Xénia de, Portugal. 17-09-2004. Published

Thesis / Dissertation

Identidade e memória na Comunidade Israelita de Lisboa: contributo para um estudo da construção identitária e da transmissão da memória na Comunidade Judaica Portuguesa contemporânea

Carvalho, X., master. 2004.


Portugal Multicultural - Situação e Estratégias Identitárias das Minorias Étnicas (Bastos, José Gabriel Pereira e Bastos, Susana Pereira - autores; Madeira, Carlos; Carvalho, Xénia; Brinca, Ana e Mourão, Fátima - co-autores

Carvalho, Xénia de; Pereira Bastos, Gabriel; Trovão, Susana; Madeira, Carlos; Brinca, Ana; Mourão, Fátima, Fim de Século Edições. Lisboa, Portugal. 1999. Published


As Minorias Étnicas em Portugal: dos dados oficiais às pesquisas e estimativas não oficiais - relatório preliminar (autores: José Gabriel Pereira Bastos e Susana Pereira Bastos; co-autores: Carlos Madeira, Xénia de Carvalho e Ana Brinca)

Carvalho, Xénia de; Pereira Bastos, Gabriel; Trovão, Susana; Madeira, Carlos; Brinca, Ana; Mourão, Fátima, 138. 1. Secretaria de Estado da Juventude . 1997.

Thesis / Dissertation

A Época de Nian, um estudo antropológico das festividades do Ano Novo Lunar Chinês

degree. Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas . 26-07-1996.