Portugal | Germany | Brazil
movement | body | dance | education
Teresa Norton Dias. Born in Beira, Mozambique, she did her academic and artistic training between that former Portuguese colony, mainland Portugal and London, England. Encouraged by her mother, she soon discovered her vocation for dance, studies that took her to that Anglo-Saxon country (on a scholarship from the then Secretary of State for Culture) and on a tour of Europe, having interrupted her academic studies in the first year of her degree, resuming them on her return in 1988. In 2010 she re-entered university teaching, in the 2nd Cycle in Intercultural Relations/ Universidade Aberta, which she completed in 2013 with a dissertation entitled Qualified immigration: the case of classical music professionals from Ukraine in the Madeira Classical Orchestra. In 2019, she obtained her PhD in Intercultural Relations/Universidade Aberta, with the thesis 'Intercultural participatory creativity: the creative process in Pina Bausch's Tanztheater'. Since 2011, she has been an integrated researcher at CEMRI/UAb - Media and Cultural Mediations (formerly Laboratório de Antropologia Cultural - LabAV). Her main areas of interest are migration and intercultural phenomena, visual anthropology, media and cultural mediation, art and education, body and movement. She is co-director and co-editor of Cinema & Território, International Journal of Art and Anthropology of Images - an open access journal launched on 16 June 2016 and available at She is a member of the Organising Committee of the International Cinema & Territory Meeting and teaches the Performing Arts UC in the Visual Arts degree course at the University of Madeira. She was a DAAD Scholar in 2017. She was awarded a Letter of Merit by Universidade Aberta in 2021.