Tina Coêlho
Academic Degree
Associated researchers
Research Context
Research Interests
Fishing communites | environmental perception | ethnographic film | underwater diving
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
Master in Anthropology, with specialization in Visual Cultures, is a doctoral student in Anthropology (FCSH-UNL/ICSTE-IUL), in Lisbon, Portugal. She is currently in the field of field research in Brazil, where he investigates with apnea divers from the Corumbau Extractive Reserve, at Banco de Abrolhos, on the environmental perceptions resulting from the global climate crisis. During the investigation of the Master's Degree in Anthropology, he directed the film “Coral System – Lines of Life in Assembly”. A professional journalist, she has worked as a photographic reporter and editor for the main media outlets in Brazil, including the magazines Veja, Exame, Istoé, Carta Capital, and the Correio Braziliense newspaper. Collaborated with CHOICE magazine, an international publication of the UN, UNDP/UNDP and in freelance work for UN/UNHCR. Author of six books, two ethnographic films, institutional videos and image banks, she is the founder of Terra Imagem agency, where she develops activities as: director, editor and producer of images and content, in addition to giving lectures and courses in photojournalism, documentary images and nature and horse photographs. As an artist, he carries out author essays having participated in several photography exhibitions, collective and individual, in Brazil and in countries such as: Chile, Ecuador, Austria and Portugal. Among the main exhibitions we can highlight the “Bienal do Fotojornalismo Brasileiro 1990-1995”, held by the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, and the “Salão Finep de Fotojornalismo”. Environmentalist, scuba diving and first aid instructor, she is dedicated to increasing diving in traditional communities, through awareness and training of local divers, in the non-lethal use of ocean resources. She conducts scuba diving in the Abrolhos Marine National Park, in addition to volunteering in research, conservation and sustainable use of the oceans projects.