

Full members


Research Context


Research Interests

Sport | Race | Racism | Postcolonialism

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Pedro Sousa de Almeida holds a P.hD in “Democracy in the Twenty-first Century” by the University of Coimbra (2019), institution where he also took his degree in Anthropology (2001). He holds a Master´s degree in “Family and Social Systems” by Instituto Superior Miguel Torga (2004), where he was a teacher between 2002 and 2010. Currently Pedro integrates CRIA with a postdoctoral scholarship. From the idea that sport is a uniquely favourable field for studying social reality, his main research interests have centred on the relations between football, race, racism, postcolonialism and national identity. He has also published on football violence, as well on the relations between football and neoliberalism.

All projects

Data updated on 21-04-2024, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Racismo e xenofobia em Portugal: a normalização dos discursos de ódio no espaço público da internet


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


COMBAT: O combate ao racismo em Portugal: uma análise de políticas públicas e legislação antidiscriminação

PTDC/IVC-SOC/1209/2014 – POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016806


Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais


TOLERACE: The semantics of tolerance and (anti) racism in Europe: public bodies and civil society in comparative perspective


Research Fellow

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais

Highlighted Publications

Data updated on 14-05-2023 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Journal article

Football, race and national identity in Portugal

Almeida, P., Soccer & Society. 1 - 14. 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/fsas20 . 10.1080/14660970.2021.1920013 . Published Soccer & Society

Book chapter

Racismo e os órgãos de comunicação social: do suposto arrastão à brutalidade policial na esquadra de Alfragide (Racism and the media: from the supposed "riot" to police brutality at Alfragide police station)

Almeida, P.; Varela, P., O Estado do Racismo em Portugal: racismo antinegro e anticiganismo no Direito e nas Políticas Públicas (The State of Racism in Portugal: anti-black racism and anti-gypsyism in Law and Public Policies). Tinta da China. Lisboa, Portugal. 2021. Published

Newsletter article

"Heritage vandalism and the echoes of silenced memories"

Almeida, Pedro; Gianolla, Cristiano; Almeida, P.; Gianolla, C., Alice News. . Coimbra, Portugal. 16-06-2020. https://alicenews.ces.uc.pt/?id=29969 . "Heritage vandalism and the echoes of silenced memories": -

Thesis / Dissertation

Futebol, Raça e Nação em Portugal (Football, Race and Nation in Portugal)

Almeida, P., phd. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia . 2019. https://eg.uc.pt/ .

Journal article

Futebol, Racismo E Media: os discursos da imprensa portuguesa durante o fascismo e pós-Revolução de Abril (Football, Racism, and Media: the discourses of the Portuguese press during fascism and post-April Revolution)

Almeida, P., Revista de Ciências Sociais Política e Trabalho. 71 - 90. 44. 2016. https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/politicaetrabalho . PublishedRevista de Ciências Sociais Política e Trabalho

All Publications

Data updated on 21-04-2024 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Journal article

Football, race and national identity in Portugal

Almeida, P., Soccer & Society. 1 - 14. 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/fsas20 . 10.1080/14660970.2021.1920013 . Published

Book chapter

Racismo e os órgãos de comunicação social: do suposto arrastão à brutalidade policial na esquadra de Alfragide (Racism and the media: from the supposed "riot" to police brutality at Alfragide police station)

Almeida, P.; Varela, P., O Estado do Racismo em Portugal: racismo antinegro e anticiganismo no Direito e nas Políticas Públicas (The State of Racism in Portugal: anti-black racism and anti-gypsyism in Law and Public Policies). Tinta da China. Lisboa, Portugal. 2021. Published

Newsletter article

"Heritage vandalism and the echoes of silenced memories"

Almeida, Pedro; Gianolla, Cristiano; Almeida, P.; Gianolla, C., Alice News. . Coimbra, Portugal. 16-06-2020. https://alicenews.ces.uc.pt/?id=29969 .

Thesis / Dissertation

Futebol, Raça e Nação em Portugal (Football, Race and Nation in Portugal)

Almeida, P., phd. Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia . 2019. https://eg.uc.pt/ .

Journal article

Futebol, Racismo E Media: os discursos da imprensa portuguesa durante o fascismo e pós-Revolução de Abril (Football, Racism, and Media: the discourses of the Portuguese press during fascism and post-April Revolution)

Almeida, P., Revista de Ciências Sociais Política e Trabalho. 71 - 90. 44. 2016. https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/politicaetrabalho . Published

Book review

Recensão crítica a Alejandro Soto (2014), Goles y banderas. Fútbol e identidades nacionales en España

Almeida, P., Universidade de Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Sociais. 2015. https://ces.uc.pt/pt/publicacoes/revista-critica-de-ciencias-sociais . Published

Journal article

Futebol, Mercantilismo e Identidade no Século XXI: Hegemonia e Contra-Hegemonia (Football, Mercantilism, and Identity in the 21st Century: Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony)

Almeida, Pedro; Almeida, P., Fórum Sociológico. 7 - 16. 26. 2015. https://journals.openedition.org/sociologico/1176 . 10.4000/sociologico.1176 . Published

Book review

Recensão crítica a Richard Giulianotti e Roland Robertson (2009), Globalization and Football.

Almeida, P., Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. 2012. https://www.interacoes-ismt.com/index.php/revista . Published

Journal article

O papel do futebol em contextos pós-conflito: o caso dos Balcãs

Almeida, P.; Almeida, Pedro, Conexões. 3. 10. 2012. https://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/conexoes/about . 10.20396/conex.v10i3.8637643 . Published

Journal article

"Futebol, racismo e eurocentrismo. Os média portugueses na cobertura do Campeonato Mundial de Futebol na África do Sul"

Almeida, Pedro, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. 98. 2012. https://journals.openedition.org/rccs/5064 . https://doi.org/10.4000/rccs.5064 . Published

Book review

Recensão crítica a Salomé Marivoet (2006), Euro2004: Um Evento Global em Portugal

Almeida, P., Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. 2007. https://www.interacoes-ismt.com/index.php/revista/issue/view/40 . Published


Violência e Euro2004. A centralidade do futebol na cultura popular

Almeida, P., Colibri. Lisboa, Portugal. 2006. Published

Book review

Recensão crítica a Eric Dunning, Patrick Murphy, Ivan Waddington e Antonios Astrinakis (2002), Fighting Fans: Football Hooliganism as a World Phenomenon

Almeida, P., 2003. https://www.interacoes-ismt.com/index.php/revista . Published

Other research outputs

Data updated on 14-05-2023, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Ensaio: Futebol, lusotropicalismo e continuidade histórica (Football, Lusotropicalism, and Historical Continuity)

Almeida, Pedro, 2022

Other output

Online hate speech: extremism or structural racism?

Almeida, P., 2021


Racismo em tempos de pandemia: da violência policial ao confinamento étnico-racial (Racism in times of pandemic: from police violence to ethnic-racial confinement)

Almeida, Pedro, Almeida, P., 2021

Other output

Dos discursos de ódio à relativização: normalização, negação e silenciamento do racismo no contexto do futebol português (From hate speech to relativization: normalization, denial, and silencing of racism in the context of Portuguese football).

Almeida, P., 2019