Research Context
Research Interests
Muslim communities | Halal | Integration | Education
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
Pedro Alves is motivated by the way in which Anthropology, as a humanistic science, can contribute to the world, deconstructing the countless existing social and cultural inequalities and presenting a unique perspective on the (in)visible. Graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2021), he is currently undertaking his PhD in Anthropology in Lisbon, where he continues to develop his master’s project, defended in 2023, which will be focuses on public policies for the social and educational integration of local Muslim communities through halal food. Centered in Anthropology of Food, an area little explored in Portugal, he has focused on food issues and the way in which this impacts and influences multiple dimensions of everyday life. In 2024, he presented his research at the 47th International Meeting of the International Commission of Anthropology of Food and Food. Nutrition (ICAF) and published a working paper (CRIA). His research demonstrates an interest in Islamic issues in the contemporary world and public policy.
Collaborator (2025-01-01)