
Academic Degree



PhD students Full members


Research Context


Research Interests

Police Violence | Amadora | Racism | Visual Anthropology

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Graduated in Art Studies: Comparative Arts and Cultures at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, I've immigrated to São Paulo (BR) in 2013. In São Paulo, I participated in the audiovisual projects Visto Permanente - a video archive about immigrant cultural expressions in the city - , and Microcine Migrante - an itinerant exhibition project about immigration in spaces used/occupied by immigrants. Since then, I have developed my core interests in visual anthropology, documentary filmmaking and migration studies. Back in Lisbon at the end of 2017, I started an audiovisual exhibition project entitled CineSur, around Latin American filmographies, and completed my master's degree in Anthropology: Visual Cultures at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. In the context of the master's degree, I've carried out as a final project my first ethnographic documentary - Alcindo.

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