
Academic Degree



Full members


Research Context

Mainland Portugal | Azores

Research Interests

Renewable energy | Rural Tourism | Sustainability

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Born in Mozambique in 1971, Luís Silva holds a B.A. (1995), a M.Phil. (2000) and a Ph.D. degree (2007) in Anthropology awarded by the ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal. He is a senior researcher at the CRIA since 2018. He has a continuous experience of research from competitively funded projects since 1993. He has published 5 books, 31 peer-reviewed journal articles, and 13 book chapters. He has also coedited 1 international book and 1 journal issue. His research interests include national identity, international frontiers, rural tourism, cultural heritage, ecotourism, and renewable energy innovations/technologies. Since 2017, he has been regularly involved in the evaluation of international projects submitted for funding to the European Commission.

All projects

Data updated on 19-03-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


EPopE - L'écologisation du monde par le bas: penser les écologies populaires du sud au nord de l'Europe



Centre d'Études et de Recherches Administratives Politiques et Sociales; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


Shared Sea: the implications of electricity generation off the Portuguese Green Coast


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia


Emerging Energo-Geographies and Political Mobilizations in the framework of the Green Transition: An Anthropological Approach


Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Paisagem, turismo e desenvolvimento local: os impactes de passadiços, miradouros e baloiços no interior de Portugal



IN2PAST - Associated Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability, and Territory

Financiers: IN2PAST - Associated Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability, and Territory


IN2PAST: Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory


Universidade do Minho; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Universidade Nova de Lisboa; ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Universidade do Minho Laboratório de Paisagens Património e Território; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical; Universidade de Coimbra; Universidade de Évora; Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de História da Arte; Instituto de História Contemporânea

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território



Universidade de Évora

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Intersections of right-wing populism and (un)just rural energy transitions in Portugal as communicative and socio-spatial practices



ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Social; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Exploring the relationships between renewable energy production and rural tourism in Portugal


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Universidade Nova Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Anthropological studies about rural tourism, ecotourism and renewable energies

DL 57/2016/CP1349/CT0009

Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Universidade Nova Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Hydropower plants and tourism: The case of the Alqueva dam, Portugal


Post-doc Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Universidade Nova Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


The local impact of renewable energy technologies: Anthropological study of solar power plants in Portugal


Post-doc Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Universidade Nova Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


COST Action TU1401 - Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality



Nuertingen-Geislingen University

Financiers: Horizon 2020


Heritagization and redefinition of rurality. New uses of local heritage



University of Barcelona Department of Social Anthropology

Financiers: Gobierno de España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Socio-technical consensus and controversies about renewable energies



Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciências Sociais; Universidade de Aveiro; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Heritagization and tourismification of natural resources in Portugal: Case studies in the Azores and the Peneda-Gerês national park


Post-doc Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Universidade Nova Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Turning history into heritage: The case of the Historic Villages of Portugal


Post-doc Fellow

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Changing countryside: Tourism in Rural Areas


PhD Student Fellow

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Houses in the Countryside. A study of country house tourism in Portugal


Research Fellow

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Direção-Geral de Turismo


United States of America and Brazil. Processes of transnationalization of Azorean Identity



ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Fundação Luso-Americana


Study of the water mills of the Guadiana River and its tributaries



ERA - Arqueologia, L.d.

Financiers: EDIA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva, S.A.


National identity: Practices and representations in a frontier context

PRAXIS XXI/BM/10614/97

Master Student Fellow

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Practices, representations, and border culture. Anthropological examination downstream of the mouth of the Caia River



ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social

Financiers: Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica


Pilgrimages: Festive cicle, construction of identities, and change



Associação Caminus - Actividades Culturais; ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social

Financiers: Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica

Highlighted Publications

Data updated on 23-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Journal article

The calm before the storm? The making of a lithium frontier in transitioning Portugal

Silva, Luís; Sareen, Siddharth, The Extractive Industries and Society. 15. 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2023.101308 . 10.1016/j.exis.2023.101308 . PublishedThe Extractive Industries and Society

Journal article

Solar photovoltaic energy infrastructures, land use and sociocultural context in Portugal

Silva, Luís; Sareen, Siddharth, Local Environment. 347 - 363. 3. 26. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2020.1837091 . 10.1080/13549839.2020.1837091 . PublishedLocal Environment

Journal article

How ecotourism works at the community-level: the case of whale-watching in the Azores

Silva, Luís, Current Issues in Tourism. 196 - 211. 3. 18. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2013.786027 . 10.1080/13683500.2013.786027 . PublishedCurrent Issues in Tourism

Journal article

The two opposing impacts of heritage making on local communities: residents' perceptions: a Portuguese case

Silva, Luís, International Journal of Heritage Studies. 616 - 633. 6. 20. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2013.828650 . 10.1080/13527258.2013.828650 . PublishedInternational Journal of Heritage Studies

Journal article

Foucault in the Landscape: Questioning Governmentality in the Azores

Silva, Luís, Landscape Research. 397 - 410. 4. 40. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2013.878322 . 10.1080/01426397.2013.878322 . PublishedLandscape Research

All Publications

Data updated on 19-03-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Journal article

Tourists' assessment of economic value, benefits and negative impacts of pedestrian walkways: Case-studies of the Paiva River (Arouca) and the Mondego River (Guarda) in Portugal

Azevedo, António; Freire, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Carapinha, Aurora; Matos, Rute, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 46. 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2024.100769 . 10.1016/j.jort.2024.100769 . Published

Conference abstract

Os Passadiços do Mondego (Guarda) como fator de desenvolvimento do turismo: Uma avaliação qualitativa segundo a perspetiva da administração local e operadores turísticos

AZEVEDO, ANTONIO; Freire, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Matos, Rute; Carapinha, Aurora, 2024.

Conference abstract

Os Passadiços do Mondego (Guarda) como fator de desenvolvimento do turismo: Uma avaliação qualitativa segundo a perspetiva da administração local e operadores turísticos

AZEVEDO, ANTONIO; Freire, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Matos, Rute; Carapinha, Aurora, 2024.

Journal article

The Renewable Energy Transition and “the People” – Exploring the Intersections of Right-wing Populism and the Renewable Energy Transition in Portuguese Media Discourses

Valquaresma, Andreia; Batel, Susana; Afonso, Ana Isabel; Guerra, Rita; Silva, Luís, Environmental Communication. 847 - 861. 7. 18. 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2024.2326423 . 10.1080/17524032.2024.2326423 . Published

Conference abstract

Assessment of the economic value of recreational ecosystem services of Paiva walkways (Arouca, Portugal): a qualitative approach based on stakeholders' perceptions

AZEVEDO, ANTONIO; Freire, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Matos, Rute; Carapinha, Aurora; Ferreira, Luís, 2023.

Conference abstract

Assessment of the economic value of recreational ecosystem services of Paiva walkways (Arouca, Portugal): a qualitative approach based on stakeholders' perceptions

AZEVEDO, ANTONIO; Freire, Francisco; Silva, Luís; Matos, Rute; Carapinha, Aurora; Ferreira, Luís, 2023.

Magazine article

The meaning of "rural"

Silva, Luís, The Parliament Magazine. Sarah Murphy Madia. 27 - 27. 558. Brussels, Belgium. 27-03-2023. https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/magazine/issues/the-parliament-magazine-issue-558-april-2023-the-rural-europe-edition-24192 .

Journal article

As discórdias em torno das centrais fotovoltaicas em Portugal [Discords around solar photovoltaic power plants in Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Análise Social. 270 - 293. 2. 247. 2023. http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/n247_a04.pdf . https://doi.org/10.31447/as00032573.2023247.04 . Published

Journal article

The calm before the storm? The making of a lithium frontier in transitioning Portugal

Silva, Luís; Sareen, Siddharth, The Extractive Industries and Society. 15. 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2023.101308 . 10.1016/j.exis.2023.101308 . Published

Journal article

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism: a case study from Portugal

Silva, Luís, Anatolia. 157 - 159. 1. 33. 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2021.1875015 . 10.1080/13032917.2021.1875015 . Published

Journal article

Adoption of renewable energy innovations among hoteliers in Portugal

Silva, Luís, Tourism & Management Studies. 17 - 26. 4. 18. 2022. https://www.tmstudies.net/index.php/ectms/article/view/1923 . https://doi.org/10.18089/tms.2022.180402 . Published

Journal article

Adoption of renewable energy innovations in the Portuguese rural tourist accommodation sector

Silva, Luís, Moravian Geographical Reports. 22 - 33. 1. 30. 2022. http://www.geonika.cz/EN/research/ENMGRClanky/10361-Volume_30_Issue_1_Paper_2.pdf . Published

Journal article

Turismo e atratividade em Monsaraz: os efeitos da barragem de Alqueva [Tourism and attractiveness in Monsaraz: the effects of the Alqueva dam]

Silva, Luís, Etnografica. 23 - 45. 1. 25. 2021. https://journals.openedition.org/etnografica/9251 . 10.4000/etnografica.9251 . Published

Journal article

Solar photovoltaic energy infrastructures, land use and sociocultural context in Portugal

Silva, Luís; Sareen, Siddharth, Local Environment. 347 - 363. 3. 26. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2020.1837091 . 10.1080/13549839.2020.1837091 . Published

Book review

Howe, Cymene. 2019. Ecologics: Wind and Power in the Anthropocene

Silva, Luís, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. 12-2020. http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/n237_a12.pdf . Published

Book review

Energopolitics. Wind and Power in the Anthropocene, de Dominic Boyer, and Ecologics. Wind and Power in the Anthropocene, de Cymene Howe

Silva, Luís, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. 12-2020. http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/n237_a12.pdf . Published

Book chapter

Developing renewables in crowded landscapes. In search of international smart practice

Frantál, Bohumil; Van der Horst, Dan; Martinát, Stanislav; Schmitz, Serge; Teschner, Na´ama; Silva, Luís; Golobic, Mojca; Roth, Michael, Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Roth, Michael; Eiter, Sebastian; Rohner, Sina; Kruse, Alexandra; Schmitz, Serge; Frantál, Bohumil; Centeri, Csaba; et al. Jovis. Berlin, Germany. 2018. Published


Os Moinhos e os Moleiros do Rio Guadiana. Uma Visão Antropológica [The Mills and Millers of the Guadiana River. An Anthropological View]

Silva, Luís, Edições Colibri. Lisboa, Portugal. 2018. Published

Journal article

Spatial targeting, synergies and scale: Exploring the criteria of smart practices for siting renewable energy projects

Frantál, Bohumil; Van der Horst, Dan; Martinát, Stanislav; Schmitz, Serge; Teschner, Na´ama; Silva, Luís; Golobic, Mojca; Roth, Michael, Energy Policy. 85 - 93. 120. 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.031 . 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.031 . Published

Book chapter

Exploiting water courses sustainably: Seeking a synergy of hydropower with environment

Silva, Luís, Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. . Roth, Michael; Eiter, Sebastian; Rohner, Sina; Kruse, Alexandra; Schmitz, Serge; Frantál, Bohumil; Centeri, Csaba; et al. Jovis. Berlin, Germany. 2018. Published

Newspaper article

O que é a antropologia? - [What is anthropology?]

Silva, Luís, Ciência na Imprensa Regional, uma iniciativa da Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica. 12-04-2018.

Book chapter


Delicado, Ana; Silva, Luís, Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Roth, Michael; Eiter, Sebastian; Röhner, Sina; Kruse, Alexandra; Schmidt, Serge; Frantál, Bohumil; Centeri, Csaba; et al. Jovis. Berlin, Germany. 2018. Published

Journal article

National identity on the Portuguese-Spanish frontier

Silva, Luís, Anthropology Today. 19 - 22. 4. 34. 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8322.12449 . 10.1111/1467-8322.12449 . Published

Book chapter

A blot on the landscape: Consensus and controversies on wind farms in rural Portugal

Delicado, Ana; Truninger, Mónica; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Silva, Luís; Horta, Ana, Transforming the Rural: Global Processes and Local Futures . Miele, Mara; Higgins, Vaughan; Bjørkhauge, Hilde; Truninger, Mónica. Emerald. Bingley, United Kingdom. 2017. Published

Journal article

Wind farms and rural tourism: A Portuguese case study of residents' and visitors' perceptions and attitudes

Silva, Luís; Delicado, Ana, Moravian Geographical Reports. 248 - 256. 4. 25. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/mgr-2017-0021 . 10.1515/mgr-2017-0021 . Published

Journal article

Social differentiation in the consumption of a pastoral idyll through tourist accommodation: Two Portuguese cases (with Luís Silva)

Silva, Luís; Prista, Marta, Journal of Rural Studies. 183 - 192. 43. 2016. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84954209348&partnerID=MN8TOARS . 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.12.006 . Published

Journal article

Community perceptions of renewable energies in Portugal: Impacts on environment, landscape and local development

Delicado, Ana; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Silva, Luís, Energy Research & Social Science. 84 - 93. 13. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2015.12.007 . 10.1016/j.erss.2015.12.007 . Published

Journal article

"The Spaniards' way of being is different from ours": Discourses of national identification in the border of Alentejo

Silva, Luís, Analise Social. 922 - 941. 4. LI. 2016. https://revistas.rcaap.pt/analisesocial/article/view/22602/16675 . Published

Journal article

Obituário - Fredrik Barth (1928-2016)

Silva, Luís, Análise Social. 503 - 508. 2. LI. 2016. https://research.unl.pt/en/publications/obiturio--fredrik-barth-19282016(f714e310-5691-43d1-8d7f-7c3c263d2105).html . Published


Identidade Nacional. Práticas e Representações Junto à Fronteira no Guadiana [National Identity. Practices and Representations on the Frontier Along the Guadiana River]

Silva, Luís, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2016. Published

Journal article

Rural tourism and national identity building in contemporary Europe: Evidence from Portugal

Silva, Luís; Leal, João, Journal of Rural Studies. 109 - 119. 38. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.02.005 . 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.02.005 . Published

Journal article

How ecotourism works at the community-level: the case of whale-watching in the Azores

Silva, Luís, Current Issues in Tourism. 196 - 211. 3. 18. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2013.786027 . 10.1080/13683500.2013.786027 . Published


Terras de Sol e de Vento. Dinâmicas Sociotécnicas e Aceitação Social das Energias Renováveis em Portugal [Lands of Sun and Wind. Sociotechnical Dynamics and Social Acceptance of Renewable Energies in Portugal]

Delicado, Ana; Truninger, Mónica; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Silva, Luís; Junqueira, Luís; Horta, Ana; Fonseca, Susana; Nunes, Maria João; Soares, Filipa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2015. Published

Journal article

Not in Anyone's Backyard? Civil society attitudes towards wind power at the national and local levels in Portugal

Delicado, Ana; Junqueira, Luís; Fonseca, Susana; Truninger, Mónica; Silva, Luís; Horta, Ana; Figueiredo, Elisabete, Science and Technology Studies. 49 - 71. 2. 27. 2014. http://ojs.tsv.fi/index.php/sts/article/view/55324/18156 . Published

Book chapter

La construcción del patrimonio arquitectónico en un contexto rural y sus implicaciones sociales: el caso de Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal [The making of architectural heritage in a rural context and its social implications: the case of Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Construyendo Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. Parques, Museos y Patrimonio Rural. Xavier Roigé; Joan Frigolé; Camila del Marmól. Germania. Valencia, Spain. 2014. Published


Património, Ruralidade e Turismo. Etnografias de Portugal Continental e dos Açores [Heritage, Rurality and Tourism. Ethnographies of Mainland Portugal and the Azores]

Silva, Luís, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2014. Published

Journal article

The two opposing impacts of heritage making on local communities: residents' perceptions: a Portuguese case

Silva, Luís, International Journal of Heritage Studies. 616 - 633. 6. 20. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2013.828650 . 10.1080/13527258.2013.828650 . Published

Journal article

Foucault in the Landscape: Questioning Governmentality in the Azores

Silva, Luís, Landscape Research. 397 - 410. 4. 40. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2013.878322 . 10.1080/01426397.2013.878322 . Published

Working paper

Estudo de caso exploratório: Sortelha [Exploratory case study: Sortelha]

Silva, Luís; Horta, Ana; Delicado, Ana, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/22776 .

Edited book

Shaping Rural Areas in Europe. Perceptions and Outcomes on the Present and the Future

Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete, Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete. Springer Netherlands. Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2013. 10.1007/978-94-007-6796-6 . Published

Conference paper

Solar energy, innovation and community resilience: the case of Amareleja (Portugal)

Truninger, Mónica; Delicado, Ana; Junqueira, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Horta, Ana; Silva, Luís, Pisa, Italy. 2013. Published

Book chapter

Impactos do turismo em meio rural. Reflexões a partir de Portugal [Impacts of tourism in rural areas. Reflections from Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Mundo Rural. Mito ou Realidade? . Silva, Vanda da; Carmo, Renato do. Annablume. São Paulo, Brazil. 2013. Published

Journal article

Ambiente, paisagem, património e economia: Os conflitos em torno de parques eólicos em Portugal [Environment, landscape, heritage and economy: The conflicts about wind farms in Portugal]

Delicado, Ana; Silva, Luís; Junqueira, Luís; Horta, Ana; Fonseca, Susana; Truninger, Mónica, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. 11 - 36. 100. 2013. https://doi.org/10.4000/rccs.5198 . 10.4000/rccs.5198 . Published

Book chapter

The pastoral ideal in Portugal: from literature to touristic practices

Silva, Luís, Shaping Rural Areas in Europe. Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete. Springer Netherlands. Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2013. Published

Book chapter

What is shaping rural areas in Europe

Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete, Shaping Rural Areas in Europe. Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete. Springer Netherlands. Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2013. Published

Book chapter

Concluding remarks on perceived and lived ruralities and the future of rural Europe

Silva, Luís, Shaping Rural Areas in Europe. Silva, Luís; Figueiredo, Elisabete. Springer Netherlands. Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2013. Published

Journal article

Built heritage-making and socioeconomic renewal in declining rural areas: evidence from Portugal

Silva, Luís, Etnografica. 487 - 510. 3. 16. 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/etnografica.2091 . 10.4000/etnografica.2091 . Published

Conference paper

Discursos técnico-científicos sobre energias renováveis em Portugal [Technical-scientific discourses on renewable energies in Portugal]

Delicado, Ana; Truninger, Mónica; Horta, Ana; Figueiredo, Elisabete; Silva, Luís; Fonseca, Susana, Porto, Portugal. 06-2012. Published

Journal issue

Ethnographies of heritage and power

International Journal of Heritage Studies. 5. 18. 2012. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.633541?src=recsys&journalCode=rjhs20 . 10.1080/13527258.2011.633541 . Published

Book chapter

Museus, turismo y desarrollo local: el caso de Belmonte, Portugal [Museums, tourism and local development: the case of Belmonte, Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Museos y Turismo. Expectativas y Realidades. Arrieta Urtizberea, Iñaki. Universidad del Pais Vasco. Bilbao, Spain. 2012. Published

Journal article

Beneath the Surface of the Heritage Enterprise. Governmentality and cultural representation of rural architecture in Portugal

Silva, Luís, Ethnologia Europaea. 39 - 53. 2. 41. 2011. https://www.mtp.dk/cgibin/PDFmedopenaccess/Beneath_the_Surface_0_0_9788763539098.pdf . Published

Book chapter

Folk architecture heritagization in rural Portugal

Silva, Luís, Constructing Cultural and Natural Heritage. Parks, Museums and Rural Heritage. Roigé, Xavier; Frigolé, Joan. Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural. Girona, Spain. 2011. Published

Conference paper

Produire des espaces ruraux: deux études de cas, la Beira intérieure au Portugal et les Pyrénées catalanes

Sucarrat, Meritxell; Silva, Luís, Neuchatel, Switzerland. 04-2010. Published

Conference paper

Processos de mudança nos campos: O turismo em espaço rural

Silva, Luís, Aveiro, Portugal. 03-2010. Published

Journal article

Perspectiva antropológica do turismo de habitação em Portugal [Anthropological perspective of housing tourism in Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Pasos : Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural. 31 - 46. 1. 8. 2010. https://research.unl.pt/en/publications/perspectiva-antropologica-do-turismo-de-habitacao-em-portugal(3517dbf1-2210-4da6-887b-bf0bbc4314ee).html . Published

Conference abstract

Tertiary sector growth and social stratification in rural areas: the case of two "Historic Villages of Portugal"

Silva, Luís, 2010.

Conference abstract

Processos de mudança nos campos. Turismo em Espaço Rural

Silva, Luís, 2010.


Casas no Campo. Etnografia do Turismo Rural em Portugal [Houses in the Countryside: Ethnography of Rural Tourism in Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2009. Published

Book chapter

A patrimonialização e a turistificação do contrabando [Heritagization and tourismification of smuggling]

Silva, Luís, Contrabando na Fronteira Luso-Espanhola. Práticas, Memórias e Património. Dulce Freire; Eduarda Rovisco; Inês Fonseca. Nelson de Matos. Lisboa, Portugal. 2009. Published

Journal article

Heritage building in the ‘Historic Villages of Portugal'

Luís Silva; Silva, Luís, The Journal Of Ethnology And Folkloristics. 75 - 91. 2. 3. 2009. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/524e3880-c4fd-4d3f-b6dc-6a1d4fb94571 . Published

Conference abstract

O Turismo em Espaço Rural em Portugal

Silva, Luís, 2009.

Journal article

Contributo para o estudo da pós-ruralidade em Portugal [Contribution to the study of post-rurality in Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Arquivos da Memória. 6 - 25. 4. 2008. http://ceep.fcsh.unl.pt/ArtPDF/02_Luis_SILVA.pdf . Published

Journal article

Sortelha e Monsaraz: estudo de caso de dois lugares turísticos no interior de Portugal [Sortelha and Monsaraz: case study of two tourist places in the interior of Portugal]

Silva, Luís, Analise Social. 853 - 874. 184. 42. 2007. http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/1218644767X7xIE8fa6Ss61NW7.pdf . Published

Journal article

Os impactos locais do turismo [The local impact of tourism]

Silva, Luís, Encontros Científicos - Tourism & Management Studies. 86 - 96. 3. 2007. https://research.unl.pt/en/publications/os-impactos-locais-do-turismo(6d8b19b7-4701-4099-a7f8-67a13864e548).html . Published

Journal article

A procura do Turismo em Espaço Rural [The demand for Tourism in Rural Areas]

Silva, Luís, Etnográfica. 141 - 163. 1. 11. 2007. http://journals.openedition.org/etnografica/1896 . 10.4000/etnografica.1896 . Published

Book review

Choay, Françoise. 2006. A Alegoria do Património

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Etnologia Portuguesa. 2007. http://fcsh.unl.pt/revistas/arquivos-da-memoria/Revistaindice2.php . Published

Thesis / Dissertation

Processos de Mudança nos Campos. O Turismo em Espaço Rural [The Changing Countryside: Tourism in Rural Areas

phd. ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa . 01-12-2007.

Journal article

Os impactos do Turismo em Espaço Rural [The impacts of Tourism in Rural Areas]

Silva, Luís, Antropologia Portuguesa. 295 - 317. 1. 22/23. 2006. http.//www.uc.pt/en/cia/publica/AP_artigos/AP22.23.13_Silva.pdf . Published

Working paper

O turismo em espaço rural: um estudo da oferta e dos promotores [Tourism in Rural Areas: A study of supply and its promoters]

Silva, Luís, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/180 .

Journal article

As barcas de passagem e o tráfego do Guadiana

Silva, Luís, ERA Arqueologia. 126 - 133. 7. 2005. https://research.unl.pt/en/publications/as-barcas-de-passagem-e-o-trfego-do-guadiana(f79360f9-851f-4a11-94ef-2196b3c5f65f).html . Published

Preface / Postscript

Apontamentos Etnobiográficos - [Ethnobiographic notes]

Silva, Luís, Manuel Ribeiro Fotografou – Os Moinhos de Alqueva. Memórias de uma Paisagem Submersa. Jorge, Ana. XIII - XVIII. 1. EDIA, S.A.; ERA – Arqueologia, S.A.. Beja, Portugal. 2004. Published

Journal article

Moinhos e moleiros no Alentejo oriental: uma perspectiva etnográfica [Mills and millers in eastern Alentejo: an ethnographic perspective]

Silva, Luís, Etnográfica. 221 - 242. 2. 8. 2004. http.//ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_08/N2/Vol_viii_N2_221-242.pdf . Published

Book chapter

Um olhar antropológico [An anthropological look]

Silva, Luís, No Tempo dos Moinhos do Guadiana e Outros Tempos. Lança, Maria João. Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infraestruturas do Alqueva, S.A.. Beja, Portugal. 2003. Published


Casas no Campo. Um Estudo do Turismo de Habitação em Portugal. Relatório Final. [Houses in the Countryside. A Study of Housing Tourism in Portugal. Final Report]

Leal, João; Silva, Luís, 111. 1. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Direção-Geral de Turismo . 2002.

Book review

Dubost, Françoise (Ed.) 1998. L'Autre Maison. La Résidence Secondaire, Refuge de Générations

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social. 2001. http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_05/N2/Vol_v_N2_395-408.pdf . Published

Book review

Chevallier, Denis (Ed.). 2000. Vives campagnes, le patrimoine rural, projet de société

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social. 2001. http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_05/N2/Vol_v_N2_395-408.pdf . Published

Book review

Teixeira, Carlos. 1999. Portugueses em Toronto. Uma Comunidade em Mudança

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social. 2000. http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_04/N2/Vol_iv_N2_391-402.pdf . Published

Book review

Sahlins. Peter. 1993. Fronteres i Identitats. la Formació d´Espanye i França a la Cerdanya, S.XVII-XIX

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social. 2000. http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_04/N1/Vol_iv_N1_199-210.pdf . Published

Thesis / Dissertation

Identidade Nacional. Práticas e Representações num Contexto de Fronteira [[National Identity: Practices and Representations in a Frontier Context]

master. ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa . 18-02-2000.

Book review

Noivo, Edite. 1999. Inside Ethnic Families. Three Generations of Portuguese-Canadians

Silva, Luís, Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social. 2000. http://ceas.iscte.pt/etnografica/docs/vol_04/N2/Vol_iv_N2_391-402.pdf . Published

Conference paper

A concepção emic da identidade nacional junto à raia luso-espanhola

Luís Silva, Beja, Portugal. 1999. Published