Research Context
Portugal | Spain
Research Interests
Religious Diversity | Secularism | Islam | Education
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
Laura Almodovar graduated in Anthropology from NOVA - School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA/FCSH), in 2015. She was a research grantee at CRIA in the project «Out of the Monument - Memories of the 1940 Exhibition», coordinated by PhD Maria Cardeira da Silva and PhD Marta Prista. In 2018, she finished her master's degree in Migrations, Inter-Ethnicities and Transnationalism, also at NOVA/ FCSH, with the dissertation about social and religious belongings in Lisbon metropolitan area, supervised by PhD José Mapril. More recently was part of the project FCT LISBONDS - Neighbouring Practices, Meanings and Contexts in Greater Lisbon, at Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (CICS.NOVA), coordinated by PhD João Pedro Nunes. Currently, she is enrolled in a PhD in Anthropology at ISCTE-IUL and NOVA-FCSH developing a research project, funded by FCT, focused on secularism, religion diversity and education.