Research Context
Norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
Research Interests
Ethnography | "Passarinhar" | Photography | Knowledge
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
PhD student in Social Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, in his line of research "Culture, Symbolic Productions and Social Processes (Admission in 2021). Master in Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology (2013 ), from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Bachelor's degree in Human Sciences (2017), with an academic exchange period in Sociology at the University of Salamanca, Spain (2016-2017), and Degree in Biological Sciences (2005), both from the Federal University from Juiz de Fora. He works as a researcher in the areas of Anthropological Theory and Visual Anthropology. He has professional experience in the areas of management of educommunication, audiovisual production and socio-educational projects. He participated as a scientific initiation scholarship holder in the project "Anthropology beyond the Human" , in the Department of Social Sciences at UFJF (2017), and is a member of the Visual and Documentary Anthropology Laboratory (LAVIDOC), also at UFJF, coordinated by Professor Carlos Reyna.
Visitor (2024-05-01 to 2024-11-01)