

Full members


Research Context

Sri Lanka | France

Research Interests

Violence | Memory | Fighters | Sri Lankan Tamils

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Giacomo Mantovan received his PhD in Social Anthropology in 2015 from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He was research fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies (Netherlands, 2016-2017), at Stanford (fall 2017), at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities of Edinburgh University (2018). His main research interests are violence, war and its aftermath, fighters, life stories, memory, the body, experience, diasporas, asylum policies, the link between individuals, groups and institutions, Sri Lankan Tamils and the Tamil Tigers (LTTE).

All projects

Data updated on 16-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Um futuro depois da violência: projetos de vida da juventude Tamil do Sri Lanka


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: FCT


A Future After Violence: Life Projects of Sri Lankan Tamil Youth



Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


‘They Were Kings…’: The Silent Decline of Former Tamil Tiger Cadres Exiled in France

has no code

Invited Scientist Fellow

Stanford University Department of Anthropology

Financiers: France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies


Memory, Violence, and Identity in Life Histories of Sri Lankan Tamils in France

has no code

Invited Scientist Fellow

Stanford University Department of Anthropology


“‘They Were Kings…’: The Silent Decline of Former Tamil Tigers Cadres Exiled in France”

has no code

Post-doc Fellow

International Institute for Asian Studies

All Publications

Data updated on 16-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .


Les dieux manqués de l’Eelam. Militance, défaite et exil des combattants des Tigres Tamouls (Sri Lanka)

Mantovan, Giacomo, L'Harmattan. Paris, France. 2024. Published

Journal article

« Un dieu ne peut pas mourir. » Divergences des récits sur la défaite des Tigres de libération de l’Eelam Tamoul

Mantovan, G., Critique internationale. Revue comparative de sciences sociales. 77 - 98. 101. 4. 2023. https://www.pressesdesciencespo.fr/fr/revues/critiqueinternationale/ . 10.3917/crii.101.0077 . Published

Journal article

Becoming a fearless tiger: The social conditions for the production of LTTE fighters

Mantovan, G., Conflict and Society. 37 - 54. 1. 9. 2023. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/conflict-and-society-overview.xml . 10.3167/arcs.2023.090103 . Published

Journal issue

One Thousand and One Defeats: An Anthropology of the Vanquished

Condition humaine / Conditions politiques. Revue internationale d'anthropologie du politique . 4. 20-09-2022. https://revues.mshparisnord.fr/chcp/index.php?id=817 . Published

Journal article

Living through Defeat: New Anthropological Insights on the Vanquished

Mantovan, G.; Baussant, M., Condition Humaine / Conditions Politiques: Revue Internationale d’Anthropologie du Politique. 4. 2022. https://revues.mshparisnord.fr/chcp/index.php?id=828 . Published

Journal article

Requiem for a Sacrifice: Mourning Narratives of the Tamil Tigers’ Defeat

Mantovan, G., Condition Humaine / Conditions Politiques: Revue Internationale d’Anthropologie du Politique. 4. 2022. https://revues.mshparisnord.fr/chcp/index.php?id=831 . Published

Journal article

A ‘tactical’ use of collective history: the construction and certification of truth in life accounts for Sri Lankan Tamil asylum application in France

Mantovan, G., Contemporary South Asia. 221 - 237. 2. 26. 2018. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09584935.2017.1346585 . Published

Journal article

'Au milieu du chemin de notre vie’. Le témoignage dans un centre de soins pour exilés à Paris. Contenu, formes et intrigue

Mantovan, G., E-Migrinter. 16. 2017. http://journals.openedition.org/e-migrinter/948 . Published

Journal article

Vite di frontiera. Riflessioni sulla produzione di soggettività degli esiliati, tra violenza e cosmopolitismo

Mantovan, Giacomo, Meridiana. Rivista di storia e scienze sociali. 51 - 72. 89. 2017. https://www.viella.it/rivista/9788867289288 . Published

Journal article

« Ils étaient les rois... » : L’adieu aux armes d’anciens combattants des Tigres tamouls exilés en France

Mantovan, Giacomo, Migrations Société. 89 - 104. 5. N° 161. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/migra.161.0089 . 10.3917/migra.161.0089 . Published

Journal article

Quand l'événement violent génère des récits. Biographies institutionnelles de Tamouls sri lankais en France

Mantovan, Giacomo, Mondes contemporains. Revue d’anthropologie sociale et culturelle. 81 - 104. 2. 2012. https://www.decitre.fr/revues/mondes-contemporains-n-2-l-evenement-et-la-maladie-9791091147019.html . Published

Journal article

Les récits de vie des demandeurs d’asile tamouls. Vers une mémoire collective?

Mantovan, G., Hommes et migrations. 40 - 51. May-June. 1291. 2011. https://journals.openedition.org/hommesmigrations/672 . Published

Book chapter

‘Faire parler’: réflexions autour de l’écriture des récits de vie pour la demande d’asile des Tamouls sri lankais

Mantovan, G., Les communautés tamoules et le conflit sri lankais. L'Harmattan. Paris, France. 2011. Published

Other research outputs