

Research Context

France | United Kingdom | United States of America

Research Interests

History of anthropology | Etnographical archive | Colonialism

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Frederico Delgado Rosa is a comparative historian of anthropology, working on the Major Traditions' formative periods and on peripheral ones as well. Among other works, he authored a history of the totemic debate (2003). He presently works on ethnographic monographs written during the period c. 1870-1922. He is the codirector, with Christine Laurière, of BEROSE International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology, and the series 'Les Carnets de Bérose'. Since August 2018, he is co-convenor, with Han Vermeulen, of the History of Anthropology Network (HOAN) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA). Keywords: History of anthropology, modern and pre-modern ethnographies, colonialism, north-american, oceanic, african, and european contexts.

All projects

Data updated on 16-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


HITAL - Transatlantic History of Latin-American Anthropologies / International Research Network - INSHS (CNRS)



UMR9022 Héritages

Financiers: CNRS InSHS


BEROSE Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l'anthropologie

Accord-cadre quinquennal (2016-2020), Ministère de la culture (França), CNRS, IIAC

Principal investigator

Héritages – Culture(s), Patrimoine(s), Création(s) (UMR 9022)

Financiers: Ministère de la culture (França); Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain; Héritages – Culture(s), Patrimoine(s), Création(s) (UMR 9022)


As ciências da classificação antropológica em 'Timor Português' 1894-1975



Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciências Sociais

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


As ciências da classificação antropológica em 'Timor Português' 1894-1975


Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciências Sociais

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Highlighted Publications

Data updated on 24-07-2022 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Edited book

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922

Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Vermeulen, Han F., Vermeulen, Han F.. Berghahn. New York, United States. 2022. Published

Journal article

Exhuming the ancestors: A Reassessment of Fabian's Critique of Allochronism

Frederico Rosa, Critique of Anthropology. 458 - 477. 4. 39. 2019. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/63347631-b338-476a-82fd-5d1479163637 . 10.1177/0308275X18821172 . PublishedCritique of Anthropology


Elsdon Best, l'ethnographe immémorial

Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA NOVA FCSH), Lahic/DPRPS-Direction générale des patrimoines. France. 2018. Published

All Publications

Data updated on 16-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Book review

A New Precipice in Time: Maria Beatrice Di Brizio’s History of Tylorian Anthropology

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, 2023. https://histanthro.org/reviews/a-new-precipice-in-time/ . Published

Book chapter

Edward Tylor's Animism and Its Intellectual Aftermath

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, Animism and Philosophy of Religion. Palgrave Macmillan. Switzerland. 2023. Published

Journal article

Caminhos para uma história inclusiva das antropologias do mundo

Matos, Patrícia Ferraz de; Dullo, Eduardo, Horizontes antropológicos. 7 - 45. 62. 2022. Published

Encyclopedia entry

Van Gennep and Virgin Birth: An Improbable Chapter in the History of Anthropology

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, BEROSE International Encyclopedia of the Histories of Anthropology. 1 - 35. BEROSE. France. 2022. article2563.html . Published

Book chapter

Introduction. Other Argonauts: Chapters in the History of Pre-Malinowskian Ethnography

Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Vermeulen, Han F., Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922. Berghahn. New York, United States. 2022. Published

Book chapter

O Totemismo esquecido: Uma página (in)fecunda da antropologia de Durkheim

Sobre o totemismo. Edusp. Brazil. 2022. Published

Book chapter

From Savages to Friends: Henrique de Carvalho and His Etnografia e História Tradicional dos Povos da Lunda (1890)

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922. Berghahn. New York, United States. 2022. Published

Edited book

Ethnographers Before Malinowski: Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922

Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Vermeulen, Han F., Vermeulen, Han F.. Berghahn. New York, United States. 2022. Published

Encyclopedia entry

Before and After Malinowski: Alternative Views on the History of Anthropology

Vermeulen, Han F.; Rosa, Frederico Delgado, BEROSE International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology. 1 - 75. France. 2022. https://www.berose.fr/article2707.html . Published

Book review

Maria Beatrice DI BRIZIO, Histoire du concept de couvade. Edward B. Tylor et l’ethnologie victorienne

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, Librairie Droz. 2022. http://journals.openedition.org/ress/8822 . Published

Book chapter

Indigenização enjeitada: dimensões antissincréticas da antropologia missionária em Timor-Leste, c. 1910-1974

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, Timor Etnográfico. Etnografias Coloniais Portuguesas no século XX. Roque, Ricardo. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2022. Published

Journal article

Quem Perdeu a Cabeça? O Arquivo Etnográfico depois e além de Johannes Fabian

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, Revista BBM. 174 - 202. 4. 2022. Published

Book review

Historicizing Evolutionism: A Dialectical Review of Robert L. Carneiro (2003) and Efram Sera-Shriar (2018)

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, History of Anthropology Review. 2021. https://histanthro.org/reviews/historicizing-evolutionism/ . Published

Book chapter

Henrique de Carvalho et le tourbillon ethnographique de ses interlocuteurs africains

Frederico Rosa, Construire l’ethnologie en Afrique coloniale. Jean-Louis Georget; H{\'e. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. 2020. Published

Book review

Martin Thomas & Amanda Harris, Expeditionary Anthropology

Frederico Rosa, 03-04-2019. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/8403755a-fec0-4224-a05a-528c9339118c . Published

Book chapter

William Robertson Smith sacrifié: Promiscuité intellectuelle et métamorphose chez Durkheim

Frederico Rosa, Les Formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse, cent ans après - Émile Durkheim et la religion. Matthieu B{\'e. Classiques Garnier. 2019. Published

Book chapter

James Mooney et le labyrinthe colonial de la Danse des Esprits

Frederico Rosa, Christine Lauri{\`e. BEROSE. France. 2019. Published

Book chapter

Catholic Luliks or Timorese Relics? Missionary Anthropology, Destruction and Self-destruction (c. 1910-1974)

Frederico Rosa, Crossing Histories and Ethnographies: Following Colonial Historicities in Timor-Leste. Ricardo Roque; Elizabeth Traube. Berghahn Books. 2019. Published

Book chapter

Totalitarian Critique: Johannes Fabian and the History of Primitive Anthropology

Frederico Rosa, Disruptive Voices and the Singularity of Histories. Regna Darnell; Frederic Gleach. University of Nebraska Press. 2019. Published

Journal article

Exhuming the ancestors: A Reassessment of Fabian's Critique of Allochronism

Frederico Rosa, Critique of Anthropology. 458 - 477. 4. 39. 2019. https://novaresearch.unl.pt/en/publications/63347631-b338-476a-82fd-5d1479163637 . 10.1177/0308275X18821172 . Published

Book chapter

Lucina sine concubitu: ethnographie et théorie de l'immaculée conception chez Van Gennep

Frederico Rosa, Arnold Van Gennep. Du Folklore à l'ethnographie. Fabre, {Daniel . Editions du CTHS. Paris, France. 2018. Published

Encyclopedia entry

Avant Le Rameau d'Or : biographie de Wilhelm Mannhardt, précurseur oublié de James Frazer

Frederico Rosa, BEROSE International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology. 1 - 31. BEROSE. France. 2018. https://unl.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/87536880-a9c4-486e-8439-797bc080c452 . Published


Elsdon Best, l'ethnographe immémorial

Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA NOVA FCSH), Lahic/DPRPS-Direction générale des patrimoines. France. 2018. Published

Book chapter

De l'ethnographie à l'intuition. Edward Tylor et l'universalité de l'animisme

Frederico Rosa, Trophées. Études ethnologiques, indigénistes et amazonistes offertes à Patrick Menget. Société d'ethnologie. Paris, France. 2016. Published

Journal article

Transformations of the Sacred in East Timor

Bovensiepen, J.; Rosa, F.D., Comparative Studies in Society and History. 664 - 693. 3. 58. 2016. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84979268235&partnerID=MN8TOARS . 10.1017/S0010417516000311 . Published

Book review

Patrícia Ferraz de Matos, The Colours of the Empire

Frederico Rosa, 12-2015. https://puredev.unl.pt/portal/en/publications/the-colours-of-the-empire(ea83e5a4-5fb1-4a13-970b-21a545607bb1).html . Published

Book chapter

Le totémisme hier: obsessions naïves d'un débat anthropologique

Frederico Rosa, 1913: La Recomposition de la science de l'Homme. Christine Lauri{\`e. BEROSE. France. 2015. Published

Journal article

Aux archives de l'animisme: Ethnographie et théorie de la «religion sauvage» chez Edward Tylor

Rosa, F.D., Mélanges de la Casa de Vélazquez. 219 - 240. 1. 45. 2015. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84939815173&partnerID=MN8TOARS . Published

Book review

Do Pesadelo ao orgasmo: o segredo na história da antropologia

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, USP. 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/16971 . Published

Book review

Ricardo Roque, Headhunting and Colonialism

Rosa,Frederico Delgado, 2012. http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0873-65612012000300011 . Published

Journal article

O fantasma de Evans-Pritchard: Diálogos da antropologia com a sua história

Rosa, F.D., Etnográfica. 337 - 360. 2. 15. 2011. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861915887&partnerID=MN8TOARS . Published

Book review

Filipe Verde, O Homem livre. Mito, moral e carácter numa sociedade ameríndia

Frederico Rosa, 01-01-2011. https://puredev.unl.pt/portal/en/publications/recensao-de-filipe-verde-o-homem-livre-mito-moral-e-carcter-numa-sociedade-amerindia(d24bb079-1fae-440b-91f0-49a57cbe929e).html . Published

Book review

Henrika Kuklick, A New History of Antropology

Rosa,Frederico Delgado, 2009. http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0003-25732009000300008 . Published

Journal article

Obituário: Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) O profeta da antropologia arcaica

Rosa,Frederico Delgado, Análise Social. 663 - 667. 193. 44. 2009. http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0003-25732009000400001 . Published

Thesis / Dissertation

L'âge d'or du totémisme ou l'histoire d'un débat anthropologique

Rosa, Frederico Delgado, phd. 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/3944 .