
Academic Degree



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Research Context

Portugal | Bolivia | Brazil | Italy

Research Interests

Religion | Rights | Minorities | Prison | Secularism | Morality and crime | Strctural violence

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Francesca Cerbini has focused the majority of her research in Latin America, specifically investigating the penitentiary institution. Her research interests encompass medical anthropology, anthropology of food, and anthropology of violence in marginal contexts spanning South America, and Europe. Within the "Young Talent" program (CAPES and CNPq), she was research fellow at the Universidade Estadual do Ceará in Fortaleza, Brazil. Currently, she is engaged in a long term ethnography exploring the interplay between religions and daily life in Portuguese prisons.

All projects

Data updated on 16-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Religiões e vida cotidiana na prisão

Ref. CEECIND/02658/2017


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

All Publications

Data updated on 16-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Book review

Jon Horne CARTER- Gothic sovereignty. Street gangs and Statecraft in Honduras, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2022, 375 pp

Cerbini, Francesca, 2024. Published

Book chapter

Cruzando Fronteras. Hispanoamericanas en la cárcel portuguesa

Cerbini, Francesca, Antropología de las Cárceles. Reflexiones sobre dimensiones sociales, culturales y simbólicas en los espacios penitenciarios. RIL Editores. Chile. 2024. Published

Journal article

Straniere nel carcere portoghese. Differenze situate e identità mimetiche tra lontananza e sopravvivenza

Cerbini, Francesca, Antigone. 86 - 109. 2. 2022. Published

Journal article

Libertà religiosa tra diritto, discriminazione e spazio morale: etnografia di un carcere femminile portoghese

Cerbini, Francesca, Annali di studi religiosi. 215 - 238. 23. 2022. https://books.fbk.eu/pubblicazioni/titoli/annali-di-studi-religiosi-23-2022/ . Published

Other research outputs