
Academic Degree



PhD students Full members


Research Context

Andalusia, Spain | Portugal

Research Interests

Environmental perceptions | governance | protected areas | conservation anthropology

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Sociocultural anthropologist with a specialization in socio-environmental studies. Has experience in social intervention work and applied research in indigenous and intercultural contexts. Field of study linked to interculturality and human-environment relations. In the academic and professional spheres, has participated in research projects related to environmental conservation and sustainability, territory, interculturality, and human rights.

All projects

Data updated on 28-04-2024, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Energo-Geografias Emergentes e Mobilizações Políticas no contexto da Transição Verde: Uma Abordagem Antropológica


Research Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação da Huila; Kaleidoscópio – Research in Public Policy and Culture

Financiers: FCT


Emerging Energo-Geographies and Political Mobilizations in the framework of the Green Transition: An Anthropological Approach


Research Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação da Huila; Kaleidoscópio – Research in Public Policy and Culture

Financiers: FCT

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