A new article has been published in Forum Agora entitled ‘Audiovisual genealogies, poetics and Afro-indigenous memories: through the lens of artists - researchers from Ecuador and Brazil’ by a collective of researchers from Ecuador and Brazil. This article is included in the Urgent Anthropology section and can be read via the following link: https://etnografica.cria.org.pt/pt/agora/232.
This visual essay brings together artistic expressions that reflect Afro-Indigenous memories in the Americas. Artists, activists, researchers and allies were invited, especially Afro-Ecuadorian Quilombolas/Cimarronas (from Valle del Chota, Esmeraldas and Guayaquil, Ecuador) and Indigenous Tupi Guarani (from Terra Indígena Pyátsagwêra (Piaçaguera), São Paulo, Brazil). His participation in the ‘International Seminar Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in the Americas: Collaboration, Archaeology, Repatriation and Heritage’ (University of Massachusetts-Boston, United States/Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), served to poetically present their strategies of resistance to colonialism. The essay is woven from memories of survival and hopes for futures based on reparation, liberation and social justice, expressed through verses, songs and militant images of who we will be as peoples in solidarity.