Researcher Hadas Weiss leads a project on the entanglements of finance with work, care, social and family relations
Researcher Hadas Weiss leads a project on the entanglements of finance with work, care, social and family relations in Portugal
Researcher Hadas Weiss conducts the project "CAREQUAL: Entangled Inequalities: Middle-Class Insecurity, Care Economies, and Social Reproduction in Portugal" approaching finance, not as a separate sphere superimposed on social activities and relations, but rather as facilitating their reproduction. And it approaches the family as an institution for the regulation of work, consumption, and intergenerational reproduction, as well as for maintaining the relation between work and capital. This in mind, the project will zone in on sites in Portugal in which their entanglements can be traced and interpreted in a way that sheds new light, not only on everyday practices but also on the grounded manifestations of contemporary capitalism.
Hadas Weiss received her PhD in social anthropology at the University of Chicago and has since held fellowships in Germany, Finland, Hungary, and Spain. Her research deals with social aspects of contemporary capitalism, and it has been published in a range of anthropological and cross-disciplinary journals. She has conducted fieldwork in Israel, Spain and Germany, and will be conducting fieldwork in Portugal as well. She is the author of We Have Never Been Middle Class: How Social Mobility Misleads Us (2019 Verso).