
PITCH - Petroculture’s Intersections with The Cultural Heritage sector in the context of green transitions

Principal researcher: Nélia Dias

External principal researcher: Dolly Jorgensen (University of Stavanger)

Research group: Practices and Politics of Culture


Education | Cultural heritage | Environment | Climate change | Fossil fuels | Museums

Funding Institution

European Commission (HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01) e UK Research & Innovation


University of Stavanger (coord.), Iscte, University of Utrecht, University of Amsterdam, University College London, Stifung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Finnish Forest Museum, PERFORMANCE ELECTRICS GGMBH, EPIQ, Studio Louter BV



Start date


End date



GA 101132385


PITCH brings together academic and cultural sector organisation partners in six countries to spur on the processes by which humanities and arts scholarship and public interventions can strengthen citizen engagement with the constantly changing nature of cultural heritage and its relationship to past and present petrocultures. Our innovative and significant multi-site pilot events will provide a model for employing cultural heritage to creatively engage citizens to spur on environmentally-transformative shifts in both individual and collective organisational/institutional behaviours. PITCH will create a deeper understanding of petroculture’s intersections with heritage practices and how this reflects social, economic, and political changes over time through our historical and analytical work in archives and collections and map the secondary literature on the intersections between petrocultures and heritage cultures. To ensure the long-lasting impact of the pilot interventions, we will collaborate with key international and European policy-making and practitioner organisations to help citizens face current and future societal transformations with greater confidence. The policy briefings and the digital toolkit will ensure that the recommended methods are effective across the cultural, geographic, political and socio-economic diversity of Europe.


Full members

Mounir Sabeh Affaki