
Memories of FEIS 1992

Principal researcher: Emília Margarida Marques

Research group: Livelihoods, Politics and Inequalities


Glass industry | Deindustrialization | Memory | Marinha Grande

Funding Institution

Câmara Municipal da Marinha Grande



Start date


End date



The project Memories of FEIS 1992 carried out on the initiative of the Glass Museum / Marinha Grande City Council, consists of a campaign of interviews with former workers of the Fábrica-Escola Irmãos Stephens (FEIS) who were in service at the time of the factory's closure. FEIS was an 18th-century glass factory that, along with many others that evolved from it, had a profound impact on the history of the city over many decades.  Bequeathed to the state in 1826 by the last of the original owners (the Stephens), the factory remained in public ownership until it was closed by government decree in 1992.
The material to be collected, focusing in particular on the closure of the factory, is intended (i) for the production of audiovisual content to be included in a temporary exhibition at the Glass Museum on the history of the factory, the museum and the building in which it is housed (which belonged to FEIS), and also (ii) to be included in the collection of oral sources at the Municipal Archives.
CRIA is responsible for defining the interview methodology, conducting preliminary research to support the drafting of the script, drafting the script and selecting materials to support the interviews, conducting the interviews, analyzing them, and supervising the production of the aforementioned audiovisual content.