
CHEurope - Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe

Principal researcher: Nélia Dias

External principal researcher: Kristian Kristiansen (University of Gothenburg)

Research group: Practices and Politics of Culture


Critical heritage | Heritage policies | Heritage industries | Heritage futures

Funding Institution

EC - H2020 - MSCA


University of Gothenburg (coord.); University College London; Universiteit van Amsterdam; ISCTE; Agência Estatal de Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; Universiteit Hasselt; Universiteit Utrecht



Start date


End date



GA 722416


“CHEurope” is a PhD training program in cultural heritage supported by the European Union under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) – Innovative Training Networks (ITN). The project is the result of a collaboration between key European academic and non-academic organisations in Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy, supporting the research and training of 15 Early Stage Researchers from Europe and other parts of the world.
CHEurope aims at developing a new integrated framework to enhance the academic and professional training and open future job opportunities in cultural heritage preservation, management and promotion. The program is based on themes where cultural heritage is undergoing profound change, such as Heritage Futures, Curating the City, Digital Heritage, Heritage and Wellbeing and Management and Citizen Participation.