Research Context
Portugal | France | Brazil | Cape-Vert
Research Interests
Migration |Media | Lusophony | Post-colonial
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
CRIA Integrated Researcher where she co-coordinates the Research Group 'Circulation and Production of Places' and “membre associé” of the 'Unité de Recherche Migrations et Société' (Univ. Paris-Diderot) where she co-coordinates the Research Group 'Migrations dans les mondes lusophones: identités, altérités et circulations ”. She is currently a contract researcher at CRIA-NOVA FCSH with the project “(Re)Telling the Empire: Post-Colonial Narratives and Media Production in the Portuguese and Cape Verdean Diaspora' and invited professor at the NOVA-FCSH Anthropology Department. Since 2019 coordinates the European project '#ECOS. Exiles, against silence: memories, objects and narratives of uncertain times'.