
Academic Degree



Full members


Research Context

Angola | Mozambique

Research Interests

Social Movements | Heritage | Environment | Human Rights

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Studies of the University of Gothenburg and Associated Researcher at CRIA. His main research areas are religion, mobility and migration, temporality and heritage, politics, social movements and environment. He has conducted long term research in Angola, African diasporas in Europe, and more recently Mozambique. He is currently coordinating research projects on “Environmental Disasters and Civic Mobilization in Angola”, and on “Un/Sustainable Development and Environmental Risk in Mozambique”. Previously, he has coordinated research projects funded by HERA, Xunta da Galiza (Spain), Vetenskapsrådet,SANORD and FORMAS (Sweden). He has authored and edited several books, among which The Social Life of Spirits (2013, University of Chicago Press, with Diana Espírito Santo), A Prophetic Trajectory (2014, Berghahn Books), Utopian Encounters (2018, Peter Lang, with Maïté Maskens), Atlantic Perspectives (2019, Berghahn Books, with Markus Balkenhol and Ramon Sarró), and Going to Pentecost (2019, Berghahn Books, with Annelin Eriksen and Michelle MacCarthy).

All projects

Data updated on 10-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


The Liberation Struggle Museum in Luanda: a study on the spectacularization of heritage


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: FCT


Na Mouraria: Heritage-making, (in)securities and urban imaginaries in Lisbon's historic centre.


ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Energo-Geografias Emergentes e Mobilizações Políticas no contexto da Transição Verde: Uma Abordagem Antropológica


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


HELP. Heritage, Environment, Liberty and People. Archaeology of the Spanish refugee camps in Barrancos, Alentejo (1936).


Instituto de História Contemporânea

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Landscapes of Terror, Violence and Forensic Heritages in the Postcolonial Lusophone space


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: In2Past


Assessing the Angola-Namibia border in the age of environmental and sanitary disaster


Principal investigator

Göteborgs universitet Institutionen för globala studier

Financiers: SANORD - Southern African-Nordic Centre


Gas Gospels: Un/Sustainable Development and Environmental Risk in Mozambique


Principal investigator

Financiers: Vetenskapsradet


Environmental Disaster and Civic Responses in Angola


Principal investigator

Göteborgs universitet Institutionen för globala studier

Financiers: Forskningsrådet för miljö areella näringar och samhällsbyggande


Emergencias Territoriales. Un Abordaje Antropológico a Nuevos Movimientos Colectivos y Activismos del Lugar en el Espacio Atlántico

IN607D 2017/01

Principal investigator

Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio

Financiers: Xunta de Galicia


Gender and Pentecostal Christianity. A Comparative Focus on Africa and Melanesia



Universitetet i Bergen

Financiers: Norwegian Research Council


Currents of Faith, Places of History: Connections, Moral Circumscriptions and World-Making in the Atlantic Space (CURRENTS)


Financiers: Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA)


The Politics of Hope: Churches and the Weaving of Society in Post-War Angola

Provided by PTCRIS: 112897

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


A Politica da Esperança: o Papel das Igrejas na Reconstrução da Angola de Pós-guerra


Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Ciências Sociais

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Religious Knowledge and Rationality in African Prophetic Churches


Post-doc Fellow

Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Pluralismo Religioso: Movimentos Cristãos Africanos em Portugal


Post-doc Fellow

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


The Christian Atlantic: Ethnographies of religious encounters between African, Brazilian and Portuguese Churches in Lisbon

Provided by PTCRIS: 72155

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


Recognizing Christianity: How African Immigrants Redefine the European Religious Heritage



Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa

Financiers: NORFACE

All Publications

Data updated on 10-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Edited book

Temporal Explorations in the Anthropology of Religion. History, Cosmology and Spirits

Espírito Santo, Diana; Blanes, Ruy Llera, --, United Kingdom. 2025. Published

Journal article

Processos revolucionários em discurso: Descentralizando e desconstruindo os impactos do 25 de Abril em Angola

Llera Blanes, R., Etnográfica . 261 - 269. especial. 2024. https://journals.openedition.org/etnografica/ . 10.4000/etnografica.16070 . Published

Journal article

The ministry of injustice and no human rights in Angola

Blanes, R. L., Lusotopie. 2. 22. 2023. https://journals.openedition.org/lusotopie/7312 . 10.4000/12j3w . Published

Journal article

Fatal architectures and death by design: The infrastructures of state-sponsored climate disasters in Angola and Mozambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Review of African Political Economy. N/A. 2023. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/crea20 . 10.1080/03056244.2023.2261276 . Published

Book chapter

Recentring the Necropolitics of COVID-19. A Perspective From Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, State–Society Relations around the World through the Lens of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Routledge/Taylor and Francis. 2023. Published


A Revolução Angolana no Século XXI. A dissidência política na Angola do pós-guerra

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Tinta da China. Lisboa, Portugal. 2023. Published

Journal article

The Multiple Paths of Extraction, Dispossession, and Conflict in Mozambique: From Tete’s Coal Mines to Cabo Delgado’s LNG Projects

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Gonçalves, Euclides; Rodrigues, Ana Carolina, The Journal of Social Encounters. 4 - 25. 1. 7. 2023. https://digitalcommons.csbsju.edu/social_encounters/vol7/iss1/2/ . Published

Journal article

Uncomfortable Knowledge: Toward a Pedagogy of Reflexivity

Singleton, Benedict; Gillette, Maris Boyd; Burman, Anders; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Teaching Anthropology. 73 - 85. 2. 11. 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.22582/ta.v11i2.654 . 10.22582/ta.v11i2.654 . Published

Online resource

How not to respond to drought: lessons from Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera ; Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2022. http://theconversation.com/how-not-to-respond-to-drought-lessons-from-angola-188015 .


Drought in Angola. Situation Report 2020-2021. Causes, Responses and Solutions

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Cardoso, Carolina Valente; Bahu, Helder Alicerces; Fortuna, Cláudio, 2022.

Journal article

Drought Terroirs. Debating anthropological territorialities in the study of climate change and environmental disasters

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Cardoso, Carolina Valente; Bahu, Helder Alicerces; Fortuna, Cláudio, kritisk Etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology. 119 - 136. 2. 5. 2022. Published

Journal article

Afro-Autarky. Onjangos and Utopias of Contemporary Angolan Activism

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Samussuku, Hitler, Critical Times. 475 - 494. 2. 5. 2022. https://read.dukeupress.edu/critical-times/article/5/2/475/329440/Afro-AutarkyOnjangos-and-Utopias-of-Contemporary . Published

Journal article

Cracks in the System and Anthropology

Bjørn Enge Bertelsen; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Social Anthropology. 140 - 147. 1. 30. 2022. https://doi.org/10.3167/saas.2022.300111 . 10.3167/saas.2022.300111 . Published

Journal article

Achieving peaceful climate change adaptation through transformative governance

Leonardsson, Hanna; Kronsell, Annica; Andersson, Erik; Burman, Anders; Blanes, Ruy Llera; Da Costa, Karen; Hasselskog, Malin; Stepanova, Olga; Öjendal, Joakim, World Development. 147. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105656 . 10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105656 . Published

Book chapter

Phantom power, parallax, and the multiple cities of Luanda: Manifestation and materialization in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Mattering the invisible: Technologies, bodies, and the realm of the spectral. Berghahn Books. New York, United States. 2021. Published

Journal article

The optimistic utopia: sacrifice and expectations of political transformation in the Angolan Revolutionary Movement

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Social Anthropology. 123 - 140. 1. 29. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.12977 . 10.1111/1469-8676.12977 . Published

Journal article

Utopian confluences: anthropological mappings of generative politics

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, Social Anthropology. 5 - 17. 1. 29. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.13003 . 10.1111/1469-8676.13003 . Published

Magazine article

On the ‘Futility’ of Provocation and the Micro-Revolutions in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera ; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Anthropological Theory Commons. 2021. http://www.at-commons.com/2020/10/16/on-the-futility-of-provocation-and-the-micro-revolutions-in-angola/ .

Magazine article

Drought Terroirs in Southern Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera ; Carolina Valente Cardoso; Helder Alicerces Bahu; Cláudio Fortuna, Blogal Studies. 20-02-2021. https://www.blogalstudies.com/post/drought-terroirs-in-southern-angola .

Journal article

The Political Afterlives of Death, from Mozambique to Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Current Anthropology. 299 - 300. 3. 62. 2021. Published

Magazine article

Towards anthropological self-de-confinement #PostCoronaUniversity

Blanes, Ruy Llera , Allegra Laboratory. 2020. https://allegralaboratory.net/towards-anthropological-self-de-confinement-postcoronauniversity/ .

Journal article

The Pentecostal Antirevolution: Reflections from Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Zawiejska, Natalia, Journal of Religion in Africa. 34 - 58. 1. 49. 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700666-12340157 . 10.1163/15700666-12340157 . Published

Magazine article

How to Govern Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera ; Hitler Samussuku, Africa is a Country. 2020. https://africasacountry.com/2020/09/how-to-govern-angola .

Magazine article

Angola's Persistent Drought

Blanes, Ruy Llera ; Carolina Valente Cardoso; Helder Alicerces Bahu; Cláudio Fortuna; Blanes, Ruy Llera; Cardoso, Carolina Valente; Bahu, Helder Alicerces; Fortuna, Cláudio, Africa is a Country. 2020. https://africasacountry.com/2020/10/angolas-persistent-drought .

Book chapter

Places of No History in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Jesus Llera , Atlantic Perspectives. Places, Spirits, Heritage. Blanes, Ruy; Sarró, Ramon; Balkenhol, Markus. Berghahn Books. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2019. Published

Book chapter

Scaffolding heritage. Transient architectures and temporalizing formations in Luanda

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Sense and essence: Heritage and the cultural production of the real. Berghahn Books. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2019. Published

Journal article

The good and the bad of the same: On the political value of historical repetition in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, History and Anthropology. 212 - 225. 2. 30. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02757206.2018.1547899 . 10.1080/02757206.2018.1547899 . Published

Edited book

Atlantic Perspectives. Places, Spirits, Heritage

Balkenhol, Markus; Blanes, Ruy Llera; Sarró, Ramon, Berghahn Books. Oxford & Nova Iorque, United Kingdom. 2019. Published


Going to Pentecost. An Experimental Approach to Ethnographies of Pentecostalism

Annelin Eriksen; Blanes, Ruy Llera; MacCarthy, Michelle, Berghahn Books. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2019. Published

Journal article

Austerity en route, from Lisbon to Luanda

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. 37 - 50. 83. 2019. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/fcl.2019.830104 . 10.3167/fcl.2019.830104 . Published

Journal article

The Current State of Anomie in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Durkheimian Studies. 26 - 39. 1. 23. 2019. 10.3167/ds.2017.230103 . Published

Edited book

Utopian Encounters. Anthropologies of Empirical Utopias

Maïté Maskens; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Peter Lang. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2018. Published

Edited book

Pentecostalism and Witchcraft. Spiritual Warfare in Melanesia and Africa

Rio, Knut; MacCarthy, Michelle; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Palgrave Macmillan. New York, United States. 2018. Published


Uma Trajetória Profética. Ideologias de Tempo, Lugar e Pertença num Movimento Cristão Angolano

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Mulemba Waxa Ngola. Luanda, Angola. 2018. Published

Book chapter

Austerity in Portugal: The ‘middle-classification’ of the public space, migration, and the silences of history

Blanes, R.; Mapril, J., The global life of austerity: Comparing beyond Europe. Berghahn Books. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2018. Published

Edited book

Being Godless: Ethnographies of Atheism and Non-Religion

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Oustinova-Stjepanovic, Galina, Berghahn Books. Oxford & Nova Iorque, United Kingdom. 2017. Published

Edited book

Secularisms in a Postsecular Age? Secularities and Subjectivities in Comparative Perspective

Mapril, José; Blanes, Ruy Llera; Giumbelli, Emerson ; Wilson, Erin K. , Palgrave Macmillan. New York, United States. 2017. 10.1007/978-3-319-43726-2 . Published

Journal article

A Febre do Arquivo. O Efeito Benjamin e as Revoluções Angolanas

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Práticas da História . 71 - 92. 3. 2017. Published

Book chapter

Past Utopias: Religious and Political Temporalities in Contemporary Angola

Blanes, R., Utopian Encounters. Anthropologies of Empirical Utopias. Peter Lang. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2017. Published

Book chapter

The Ndoki Index. Sorcery, Economy and Invisible Operations in the Angolan Urban Sphere

Blanes, R., Pentecostalism and Witchcraft. Spiritual Warfare in Melanesia and Africa. Palgrave Macmillan. New York, United States. 2017. Published

Book chapter

Mutuality, resistance and egalitarianism in a late colonial Bakongo Christian movement

Blanes, R., Essays in anarchism and religion. Stockholm University Press. Stockholm, Sweden. 2017. Published

Journal article

Introduction: Ethnography and the Mutualizing Utopia

Maïté Maskens; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford. 125 - 142. 2. 8. 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/26530 . Published

Book chapter

Introduction. Utopian Encounters: Anthropologies of Empirical Utopias

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Maïté Maskens, Utopian Encounters: Anthropologies of Empirical Utopias. Peter Lang. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2016. Published

Book chapter

Biografias Proféticas

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Quem Faz a História. Ensaios sobre o Portugal Contemporâneo. Tinta da China. 2016. Published

Journal article

Micro-utopias: anthropological perspectives on art, relationality, and creativity.

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Alex Flynn; Maïté Maskens; Jonas Tinius, Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia. 5 - 20. 1. 5. 2016. https://doi.org/10.4000%2Fcadernosaa.1017 . 10.4000/cadernosaa.1017 . Published

Book chapter

Assessing State and Religious Institutions: A Comment from the Case of Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Nations Under God. The Geopolitics of Faith in the Twenty-First Century. e-International Relations Publishing. Bristol, United Kingdom. 2015. Published

Journal article

Godless People, Doubt, and Atheism

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Galina Oustinova-Stjepanovic, Social Analysis. 1 - 19. 2. 59. 2015. https://doi.org/10.3167%2Fsa.2015.590201 . 10.3167/sa.2015.590201 . Published

Journal article

Atheist political cultures in independent Angola

Blanes, R. L.; Paxe, A., Social Analysis. 62 - 80. 2. 59. 2015. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/social-analysis/social-analysis-overview.xml . 10.3167/sa.2015.590204 . Published

Journal article

The Angolan Apocalypse. Prophecies, Imaginaries and Political Contestations in Post-War Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Social Sciences and Missions. 217 - 234. 3-4. 28. 2015. https://doi.org/10.1163%2F18748945-02803001 . 10.1163/18748945-02803001 . Published

Journal article

O Líder é o Profeta, o Profeta é o Líder. Continuidades e descontinuidades da liderança carismática no contexto angolano

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Revista Anthropológicas. 107 - 127. 1. 25. 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/22464 . Published

Journal article

Geração, presença e memória: a Igreja Tocoísta em Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Sarró, Ramon, Etnografica. 169 - 187. 1. 19. 2015. https://doi.org/10.4000%2Fetnografica.3948 . 10.4000/etnografica.3948 . Published

Journal article

Nostalgies impérialisées: Mémoires plurielles et contestations politiques en Angola du Nord

Blanes, R. L.; Paxe, A., Terrain. 94 - 113. 65. 2015. https://journals.openedition.org/terrain/ . 10.4000/terrain.15835 . Published

Book chapter

Politics of Sovereignty: Evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity and Politics in Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism. NYU Press. New York, United States. 2015. Published

Book review

Review: Giumbelli, Emerson (2014), Símbolos Religiosos em Controvérsia. São Paulo: Terceiro Nome

Ruy Blanes, 01-01-2014. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1809-43412014000200016 . Published

Journal article

Questionando o Social - A propósito do Homo Academicus de Pierre Bourdieu

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Análise Social. 159 - 162. 1. 210, XLIX. 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/20650 . Published


A Prophetic Trajectory: Ideologies of Place, Time and Belonging in an Angolan Religious Movement

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Berghahn. 2014. Published

Journal article

Time for Self-Sacrifice: Temporal Narratives, Politics and Ideals in African Prophetism

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Ethnos. 406 - 429. 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/23480 . 10.1080/00141844.2013.806946 . Published

Preface / Postscript


Blanes, Ruy Llera, Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices. 2. 2. Gale. 2014. Published

Book chapter

The Possessed Body. Anthropologies of Corporeality in Religious Contexts

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Commun(icat)ing Bodies. Body as a Medium in Religious Symbol Systems. Pano Verlag & Nomos. Baden Baden & Zurich, Germany. 2014. Published

Book chapter

Introduction: Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe

José Mapril; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe. Brill. --, Netherlands. 2013. Published

Journal article

Da confusão à ironia. Expectativas e legados da PIDE em Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Analise Social. 30 - 55. 206. 48. 2013. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878475471&partnerID=MN8TOARS . Published


The Social Life of Spirits

Ruy Blanes; Diana Espírito Santo; Ian Lowrie, University of Chicago Press. Chicago, United States. 2013. Published

Book chapter

Extraordinary Times. Charismatic Repertoires in Contemporary African Prophetism

Blanes, Ruy Llera, The Anthropology of Religious Charisma. Ecstasies and Institutions. Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. Published

Edited book

Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe

Blanes, Ruy Llera; José Mapril, Brill Academic Publishers. Leiden & Boston, Netherlands. 2013. 10.1163/9789004255241 . Published

Journal article

What kind of God?

Eriksen, Annelin; Blanes, Ruy Llera, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 375 - 375. 3. 3. 2013. https://doi.org/10.14318%2Fhau3.3.019 . 10.14318/hau3.3.019 . Published

Book chapter

Prophetic Visions of Europe: Rethinking Place and Belonging Among Angolan Christians in Lisbon

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Sites and Politics of Religious Diversity in Southern Europe. Brill. 2013. Published

Journal article

Homenagem a Clara Mafra

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Religião & Sociedade. 204 - 204. 2. 33. 2013. https://doi.org/10.1590%2Fs0100-85872013000200013 . 10.1590/s0100-85872013000200013 . Published

Journal article

Don Quixote’s choice. A manifesto for a romanticist anthropology

Maskens, Maïté ; Blanes, Ruy Llera, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 245 - 245. 3. 3. 2013. https://doi.org/10.14318%2Fhau3.3.011 . 10.14318/hau3.3.011 . Published

Book chapter

Missão, mobilidade e fronteira: a Igreja de Filadélffia e os ciganos na Península Ibérica

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Portugueses Ciganos e Ciganofobia em Portugal. Colibri / CEMME - FCSHUNL. 2012. Published

Journal article

O Tempo dos inimigos. Reflexões sobre uma antropologia da repressão no século XXI

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Horizontes Antropologicos. 261 - 284. 37. 17. 2012. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84872807110&partnerID=MN8TOARS . 10.1590/S0104-71832012000100011 . Published

Journal article

Moral circumscriptions: involuntary mobility, diaspora and ideological configurations in the Angolan Tokoist church

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Canadian Journal of African Studies. 367 - 380. 3. 46. 2012. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00083968.2012.737525?journalCode=rcas20#.Upps-GRdWLk . 10.1080/00083968.2012.737525 . Published

Edited book

Encounters of Body and Soul in Contemporary Religious Practices: Anthropological Reflections

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Anna Fedele, Berghahn. Oxford & Nova Iorque, United Kingdom. 2011. Published

Journal article

Double Presence: Proselytism and Belonging in an Angolan Prophetic Church's Diaspora in Europe

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Journal of Religion in Europe. 409 - 428. 3. 4. 2011. https://doi.org/10.1163%2F187489211x592021 . 10.1163/187489211x592021 . Published

Preface / Postscript

Toko, Simão Gonçalves (1918-1984)

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Dictionary of African Biography. 41 - 42. Oxford University Press. 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/20546 . Published

Book chapter

Profetas e Missionários: Reflexões sobre as Igrejas Angolanas em Lisboa

Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Religião em Movimento. Imigrantes e Diversidade Religiosa em Portugal e Itália. Estratégias Criativas. Porto, Portugal. 2010. Published

Book chapter

The Personification of a Prophet. Leadership, Charisma and the Globalization of the Angolan Tokoist Church

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Chrétiens Africains en Europe. Karthala. Paris, France. 2010. Published

Preface / Postscript

Música Cigana

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX. Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa, Portugal. 2010. Published

Journal article


Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Análise Social. 5 - 13. 1. XLIV. 2009. http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0003-25732009000100001 . Published

Journal article

O que é que se passa no tabernáculo? Oração e espacialização na igreja tokoista angolana

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Religião & Sociedade. 116 - 133. 2. 29. 2009. https://doi.org/10.1590%2Fs0100-85872009000200006 . 10.1590/s0100-85872009000200006 . Published

Journal article

Remembering and Suffering: Memory and Shifting Allegiances in the Angolan Tokoist Church

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Exchange. 161 - 181. 2. 38. 2009. https://doi.org/10.1163%2F157254309x425391 . 10.1163/157254309x425391 . Published

Journal article

Prophetic Diasporas: Moving Religion across the Lusophone Atlantic

Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera, African Diaspora. 52 - 72. 1. 2. 2009. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/afdi/2009/00000002/00000001/art00003 . 10.1163/187254609X430786 . Published

Journal article


Sarró, R.; Ruy Blanes, 2009. http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0003-25732009000100001 . Published

Journal article

O Messias Entretanto Já Chegou. Relendo Balandier e o Profetismo Africano na Pós-Colónia

Blanes, Ruy Llera, CAMPOS: Revista de Antropologia Social. 9 - 23. 2. 10. 2009. https://doi.org/10.5380%2Fcam.v10i2.17937 . 10.5380/cam.v10i2.17937 . Published

Book chapter

O Atlântico Cristão: apontamentos etnográficos sobre encontros religiosos em Lisboa

Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Itinerários. A Investigação nos 25 Anos do ICS. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2008. Published

Book chapter

Um Cemitério Chamado Europa: Cristianismo, Consciência global e Identidades Migratórias

Blanes, Ruy Llera, A Globalização no Divã. Tinta da China. Lisboa, Portugal. 2008. Published

Book chapter

Para assentar de vez com a globalização

Renato do Carmo; Daniel Melo; Blanes, Ruy Llera, A Globalização no Divã. Tinta da China. 2008. Published

Book chapter

Introducción: la religión en movimiento

Mónica Cornejo Valle; Manuela Cantón Delgado; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Teorías y Prácticas Emergentes en la Antropología de la Religión. Ankulegi. San Sebastián, Spain. 2008. Published

Book chapter

A globalização vista pelo seu redor

Carmo, R. M.; Melo, D.; Blanes, R., A globalização no divã. Tinta-da-China. Lisboa, Portugal. 2008. Published

Journal article

European Christianities at the turn of the millennium: an introduction

Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera, Etnografica. 371 - 376. 2. 12. 2008. https://doi.org/10.4000%2Fetnografica.1761 . 10.4000/etnografica.1761 . Published


Os Aleluias. Ciganos Evangélicos e Música

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2008. Published

Edited book

Teorías y Prácticas Emergentes en la Antropología de la Religión

Blanes, Ruy Llera; Cantón Delgado, Manuela; Cornejo Valle, Mónica, Ankulegi. Donostia, Spain. 2008. Published

Journal article

Satan, agent musical : Le pouvoir ambivalent de la musique chez les Tsiganes évangéliques de la péninsule Ibérique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Terrain. 82 - 99. 50. 2008. https://doi.org/10.4000%2Fterrain.9003 . 10.4000/terrain.9003 . Published

Journal article

La guerre dans la paix. Ethnicité et angolanité dans l'Église kimbanguiste de Luanda

Sarró, Ramon; Blanes, Ruy Llera; Viegas, Fátima, Politique africaine. 84 - 84. 2. 110. 2008. https://doi.org/10.3917%2Fpolaf.110.0084 . 10.3917/polaf.110.0084 . Published

Journal article

Satan, Agent Musical. Le Diable et le pouvoir ambivalent de la musique parmi les tsiganes évangéliques de la Péninsule Ibérique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Terrain. 82 - 99. 50. 2008. http://terrain.revues.org/index9003.html . Published

Journal article

Why Africans do what they do. Arguments, discussions and religious transmission in Angolan Pentecostal churches in Lisbon

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Quaderns de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia. 123 - 137. 1. 23. 2007. http://www.raco.cat/index.php/QuadernsICA/issue/view/10986/showToc . Published

Journal article

Contacto, conhecimento e conflito: dinâmicas cultuais e sociais num movimento evangélico cigano na Península Ibérica

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Etnografica. 29 - 54. 1. 11. 2007. https://doi.org/10.4000%2Fetnografica.1863 . 10.4000/etnografica.1863 . Published

Journal article

The atheist anthropologist: Believers and non-believers in anthropological fieldwork

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Social Anthropology. 223 - 234. 2. 14. 2006. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33745908561&partnerID=MN8TOARS . 10.1017/S0964028206002552 . Published

Book chapter

Em Nome da Interdenominacionalidade – ligações transnacionais e “novas” práticas musicais entre os ciganos evangélicos portugueses

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Sonoridades Luso-Afro-Brasileiras. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Portugal. 2004. Published

Other research outputs

Data updated on 05-01-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

Other output

NaMouraria: Heritage-Making, (In)securities and Urban Imaginaries in Lisbon’s Historic Centre

Lazzaretti, V., Soares, P., Mapril, J,, Blanes, R., 2024

Other output

Machamba 2.0. Land, Infrastructure and Labor in Cabo Delgado’s Extractive Age

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

O desejo de Donsan

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

In the event of the disaster. Thinking through the temporalities of climate events

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

Scaffolding temporality and temporal reconciliation

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

A Machamba Infinita. Visualizing the patchwork of livelihoods in the age of extractivism in Mozambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

Conflito, violência, trauma e patrimónios difíceis em Moçambique. Um itinerário visual por espaços divergentes da memória social

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

From Gospel to Ruin. On the production of energy transition epistemes in Mozambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

Arquiteturas de confinamento e repressão em Luanda: o caso do futuro Museu da Luta de Libertação e as políticas públicas de memorialização em Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

The form, field and order of anti-extractivist protests in Mozambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

Os desafios da patrimonialização na era da reconciliação em Angola. Um itinerário visual pelos espaços divergentes da memória social

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2024

Other output

Movimentos camponeses, desafios industriais e in/justiça: o caso da UNAC no Norte de Moçambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2023

Other output

Drought expectations: from the future projections of colonial infrastructure to present-day hydropower in Southwestern Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2023

Other output

Forensic Heritage. Uma reflexão sobre processos de patrimonialização/memorialização da violência, a partir de Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2023

Other output

Climate Colonialism and Green Transitions

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2023

Other output

Locating Conflict in New Extractivist Developments in Mozambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Rodrigues, Ana Carolina, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera , Silva, Luís, Freire, Francisco, Pusceddu, Antonio Maria, Lima, Antónia Pedroso de, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Ruy BlanesAntonio Maria PuscedduAntónia LimaLuís Silva2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Silva, Luís, Pusceddu, A.M., Freire, Francisco, Lima, Antónia, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera , Silva, Luís, Freire, Francisco, Pusceddu, Antonio Maria, Lima, Antónia Pedroso de, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera , Silva, Luís, Freire, Francisco, Pusceddu, Antonio Maria, Lima, Antónia Pedroso de, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

On the Democracy of Buildings. Thoughts on Urban Architecture and PoliScal Struggles Through the Case of the Prédio da Lagoa in Luanda

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Silva, Luís, Pusceddu, A.M., Freire, Francisco, Lima, Antónia, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

Mapas confusos: notas sobre as novas territorialidades energéticas em Portugal e na Europa

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Silva, Luís, Pusceddu, A.M., Freire, Francisco, Lima, Antónia, Mendes, Paulo, 2023

Other output

Entre o desenvolvimentismo e o desastre do capitaloceno: contra-topografias existenciais no Sudoeste de Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2022

Other output

A Machamba Invisível. Infraestruturas Territoriais dos Processos de Reassentamento, Fuga e Refúgio em Cabo Delgado, Moçambique

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2022

Other output

Landscapes of Terror, Violence and Forensic Heritages in the Postcolonial Lusophone Space

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2022

Other output

‘Drought Terroirs’ in Southern Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Cardoso, Carolina Valente, Alicerces Bahu, Helder, Fortuna, Cláudio, 2021


Drought in Angola - Seca em Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera , 2021

Other output

How to govern Angola

Blanes, Ruy Llera, Samussuku, Hitler, 2020

Other output

Towards anthropological self-de-confinement #PostCoronaUniversity

Blanes, Ruy Llera, 2020

Other output

On the Margins of Religion

Ruy Blanes2009

Other output

A globalização e o seu redor

Ruy BlanesCarmo, R. M., Daniel Melo2008

Other output

Introducción: la religión en movimiento

Ruy BlanesManuela Cantón DelgadoMónica Cornejo Valle2008