

Research Context

France | Europa

Research Interests

History of anthropology | Epistemology | Museology | Ethical Issues

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Associate professor at the Department of Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL), International Visiting Research Scholar at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin (October/November 2011; July-August 2012, August 2013), Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at the Tulane University (January/May 2009). Nélia Dias was enrolled in two projects: "Museums, Field and Colony", directed by T. Bennett (Australian Research Council, 2011-2014) and "Endangerment and its consequences", directed by F. Vidal (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 2011-2013) and is currently member of "CHEurope - Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe" (H2020-MSCA-ITN).

All projects

Data updated on 02-02-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Petroculture’s Intersections with The Cultural Heritage


Principal investigator

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: CE


Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território



Universidade do Minho; Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Historia da Arte; ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Universidade do Minho Laboratório de Paisagens Património e Território; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical; Universidade de Coimbra; Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda; Universidade de Évora; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; Instituto de História Contemporânea

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe_Towards an integrated, interdisciplinary and transnational training model in cultural heritage research and management



Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: CE


Museums, Field, Colony

Australian Research Council


ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; University of Western Australia

Financiers: University of Western Australia

All Publications

Data updated on 02-02-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Book chapter

'Élytres groseille en flammes': entomologie et poésie dans la collection d'André Breton

N, L'Atelier d'André Breton. Mur Mondes. Aurélie Verdier. Editions du Centre Pompidou. Paris, France. 2024. Published

Book chapter

Epistemic Practices and Blurred Boundaries. Human Remains in the History of Archaelogy

Dias, N., The Oxford Handbook of the History of Archaeology. Oxford University Press. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2024. Published

Book review

The Future of Religious Heritage

DIAS, Nélia , 2023. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/religion-and-society/14/1/arrs140115.xml . Published

Journal article

Moulages de têtes humaines et savoir anthropologique

Dias, N., Artefact. 25 - 46. 19. 2023. Published

Edited book

Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe

Harrison, Rodney; Dias, N., UCL Press. London, United Kingdom. 2023. Published

Book chapter

Pratiques épistémiques et enjeux institutionnels dans les collections du musée Dupuytren: Le rôle de l’anatomiepathologique dans l’émergence de l’anthropologie

Dias, N., Dupuytren ou le musée des maladies. Presses Sorbonne Université. Paris, France. 2023. Published

Journal article

Objets de peu, objets de prou

Dias, N., L'Homme. 13 - 22. 242. 2022. https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/42509#xd_co_f=Yjk4Y2RlZTYtMmEwZC00ZWE5LTg0ZmEtOGQ1NDg1M2UxMjQ2~ . 10.4000/lhomme.42509 . Published

Book chapter

Musées d'ethnologie

Dias, N., 2002 Genèse d’une loi sur les musées. La Documentation française. Paris, France. 2022. Published

Book chapter

Le musée d’ethnographie du Trocadéro : un musée colonial ?

Dias, N.; DIAS, Nélia , Encyclopédie d’histoire numérique de l’Europe. Sorbonne Université. --, France. 2021. Published

Journal article

Coleções não europeias em museus europeus: questões e desafios

Dias, N., Boletim do ICOM Portugal. 98 - 107. 17. 2021. https://icom-portugal.org/category/boletim/ . Published

Journal article

Field notes and reading notes: studying with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett in the 1990s

Dias, N., Museum Worlds. 134 - 138. 1. 7. 2019. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/museum-worlds/7/1/armw070109.xml . 10.3167/armw.2019.070109 . Published

Book chapter

Émile Durkheim: Individuo e integração social

Dias, N.; Leal, J., Lições de sociologia clássica. Ediçoes 70. Lisboa , Portugal. 2019. Published

Book chapter

Mixing the global color palette

Dias, N., Luso-tropicalism and its discontents: the making and the unmaking of racial exceptionalism. Berghahn Books. New York, United States. 2019. Published

Book chapter

Les hommages à Ernest-Téodore Hamy

Dias, N., Ernest Hamy, du Muséum à l'Amérique. Logiques d'une réussite intellectuelle. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. Lille, France. 2018. Published

Book chapter

Christophe-Augustin Lamare-Picquot and the fate of his collection: networks, commercial transactions and museums

Dias, N., Acquiring cultures: histories of world art on Western markets. De Gruyter. Boston, United States. 2018. Published

Conference abstract

Museums and cultural diversity

Dias, N., 2018.


Collecting, Ordering, Governing

Tony Bennett; Dias, N.; Rodney Harrison; Ira Jacknis, Duke University Press. Durham , United States. 2017. Published

Book chapter

Comment promouvoir l'ethnologie dans les colonies

Dias, N., Les années folles de l'ethnologie. Trocadéro 1928-1937. Publications du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Paris, France. 2017. Published

Book chapter

Greater France

Dias, N., Collecting, Ordering, Governing. Duke University Press. Durham , United States. 2017. Published

Book chapter

Ethnology, Governance and Greater France

Dias, N., Collecting, Ordering, Governing. Anthropology, Museums and Liberal Government. Duke University Press . Durnham, United States. 2017. Published

Journal article

Collectionner par-delà nature et culture

Bondaz, J.; Dias, N.; Jarrassé, D., Gradhiva. 29 - 49. 23. 2016. http://gradhiva.revues.org/3128 . Published

Journal article

La sensibilité tactile, ou le compas de Weber

Dias, N., Hermès. 139 - 142. 74. 2016. http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/8538 . Published

Journal article

Les sens et la circulation des éléments au XIXe siècle

Dias, N., Hermès. 50 - 56. 74. 74. 2016. http://www.cairn.info/revue-hermes-la-revue-2016-1-page-50.htm . Published

Journal article

La sensibilité tactile, ou le compas de Weber

Dias, N., Hermès. 139 - 142. 1. 74. 2016. https://www.cairn.info/revue-hermes-la-revue-2016-1-page-139.htm# . Published

Journal article

From French Indochina to Paris and back again: The circulation of objects, people, and information, 1900-1932

Dias, N., Museum and Society. 7 - 21. 1. 13. 2015. https://journals.le.ac.uk/ojs1/index.php/mas/index . 10.29311/mas.v13i1.314 . Published

Book review

A. Carol, Physiologie de la veuve. Une histoire médicale de la guillotine

Dias, N., Armand Collin. 2015. Published

Book chapter

Endangerment Sensibility

Vidal, Fernando; Dias, N., Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture. Routledge. London and New York, United Kingdom. 2015. Published

Preface / Postscript


Dias, N., University of British Columbia. 2015. Published

Journal article

Rivet's mission in colonial Indochina or the failure to create an ethnographic museum

Dias, N., History and Anthropology. 189 - 207. 2. 25. 2014. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02757206.2014.882837 . 10.1080/02757206.2014.882837 . Published

Book review

C. Wintle, Colonial Collecting and Display,

Dias, N., 2014. Published

Book review

V. Debaene, L’Adieu au Voyage,

Dias, N., Chicago University Press. 2013. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/669785 . Published

Book chapter

Exploring the senses and exploiting the land: Railroads, bodies and measurement in nineteenth-century French colonies

Dias, N., Material Powers: Cultural Studies, History and the Material Turn. 2013. Published

Journal article

Nineteenth-century French collections of skulls and the cult of bones

Dias, N., Nuncius: Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science. 330 - 347. 2. 27. 2012. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/18253911-02702006 . 10.1163/18253911-02702006 . Published

Book chapter

Les trophées de chasse au Musée du duc d'Orléans

Dias, N., L'animal cannibalisé: Festins d'Afrique. Editions des archives contemporaines. Paris, France. 2012. Published

Book review

Des Cerveaux de génie, a propos du livre de Michael Hagner

Dias, N., Publications de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. 2011. Published

Book chapter

Exploring the Land and Exploiting the Body : Railroads, Measurement in 19th century French colonies

Dias, Nélia; Dias, N., Material Powers. Routledge. London -New York, United Kingdom. 2010. Published

Book review

H. Kuklick, A New History of Anthropology

Dias, N., EHESS. 2009. https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/28716 . Published

Book chapter

Antropologia e museus: que tipo de diálogo

Dias, N.; Dias, N., Museus, Colecções e Patrimónios: Narrativas Polifónicas. Editora Garamond. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2008. Published

Book review

Poulot, Une histoire des musées en France

Dias, N., MSH. 2007. Published

Journal article

Le Musée du quai Branly: une généalogie

Dias, N., Le Débat. 65 - 79. dezembro. 148. 2007. https://shs.cairn.info/revue-le-debat-2007-5-page-65?lang=fr . 10.3917/deba.147.0065 . Published

Journal article

Une pointe ou deux ? Le destin anthropologique du compas de Weber

Dias, N., Terrain. 51 - 62. 49. 2007. http://terrain.revues.org/ . 10.4000/terrain.5901 . Published

Journal article

Des arts méconnus aux arts premiers: Inclusions et exclusions en anthropologie et en histoire de l'art

Dias, N., Histoire de l'art. 1 - 9. 60. 2007. Published

Magazine article

Manières de voir. Les arts de l'Islam dans les musées

DIAS, Nélia Susana, Qantara, revue des cultures arabes. 22 - 23. Paris, France. 26-06-2007.

Book review

Poulot, Une histoire du patrimoine

Dias, N., MSH. 2007. Published

Book chapter

Cultural difference and cultural diversity: The case of the Musée du Quai Branly

Dias, N.; Dias, N., Museums and difference. Indiana University Press. Minnesota, United States. 2007. Published

Journal article

"Eyes shut and hands at work: notes on the use of Weber's compass"

Dias, Nélia; Dias, N., History of Anthropology Newsletter. 3 - 9. 2. 33. 2006. https://ciencia.iscte-iul.pt/publications/eyes-shut-and-hands-at-work-notes-on-the-use-of-webers-compass/75902?lang=en . Published

Book review

Review T. Bennett, Pasts Beyond Memory

Dias, N., https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/2291. 01-01-2006. Published

Book chapter

"What's in a name? Anthropology, Museums, and Values"

Dias, N., Die Scahu des Fremden Ausstellungskonzepte zwischen kunst, kommerz und wissenchaft. Franz Sterner Verlag. Stuttgart, Germany. 2006. Published

Book review

Review D. Howes, Sensual relations

Dias, N., 01-01-2006. https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/2323 . Published

Book review

Review F. Boas, L'art Primitif

Dias, N., Editions de l'EHESS. 01-01-2005. https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/25056#tocto2n2 . Published

Journal article

Imitation et anthropologie

Dias, N., Terrain. 5 - 18. 44. 2005. http://terrain.revues.org/ . 10.4000/terrain.2610 . Published

Book review

Recensão catálogo e exposição Looking both ways

Dias, N., https://journals.openedition.org/etnografica/2979. 01-01-2005. Published


La Mesure des Sens. Les Anthropologues et le corps humain

Dias, N., Flammarion. Paris, France. 2004. Published

Book review

Review G.W Stocking, Delimiting anthropology

Dias, N.; DIAS, Nélia; DIAS, Nélia Susana, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. 01-01-2003. https://journals.openedition.org/lhomme/18693?lang=en . Published

Book chapter

Les Localisations cérébrales des organes des sens

Dias, N., La Biologia. Parametro epistemologico del XIX secolo. Liguori Editore. Napoles, France. 2003. Published

Journal article

Ethnographie, art, arts premiers : la question des désignations

Dias, N., Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian. 3 - 13. 45. 2002. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=1171780 . Published

Book chapter

Une place au Louvre

Dias, N.; Dias, N., Le Musée Cannibale, textes réunis et édités par Marc Olivier Gonseth et Jacques Hainard. Musée d'Ethnographie de Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel, France. 2002. Published

Book chapter

Does Anthropology need Museums ? Teaching Ethnographic Museology in Portugal thirty years after

Dias, N.; Dias, Nélia, Academic Anthropology and the Museum. Back to the Future . Berghahn Books. Oxford, United Kingdom. 2001. Published

Journal article

Esquisse ethnographique d'un projet : le Musée du Quai Branly

Dias, N.; Dias, N., French Politics, Culture and Society. 81 - 101. 2. 19. 2001. http://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/fpcs/19/2/fpcs190205.xml . 10.3167/153763701782512688 . Published

Book chapter

Musées et colonialisme : entre passé et présent

Dias, N., Du musée colonial au Musée des cultures du monde. Maisonneuve et Larose. Paris, France. 2000. Published

Journal article

Que signifie mettre en exposition ? A propos de Destination Culture de Barbara Kirshemblatt-Gimblett

Dias, N., Terrain. 159 - 164. 34. 2000. Published

Book chapter

Linguistique et anthropologie physique

Dias, N.; Rupp-Eisenreich, B., Histoire des idées linguistiques. Mardaga. Bruxelas, Belgium. 2000. Published

Journal article

La fiabilité de l'œil

Dias, N., Terrain. 17 - 30. 33. 33. 1999. https://journals.openedition.org/terrain/2674 . 10.4000/terrain.2674 . Published

Journal article

L'Afrique naturalisée

Dias, N., Cahiers d'études africaines . 583 - 594. 3-4. 39. 1999. http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cea_0008-0055_1999_num_39_155_1767 . 10.3406/cea.1999.1767 . Published

Journal article

Natural Objects / Cultural Objects: on the Margins of the Categories and the Ways of Display

Dias, N.; Dias, N., Visual Resources. 33 - 47. 97. 13. 1998. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01973762.1997.9658409 . Published

Book chapter

The Visibility of Difference

Dias, N., The Politics of Display. Museums, Science, Culture. Routledge. Londres, United Kingdom. 1998. Published

Book chapter

Une science nouvelle?: La géo-ethnologie de Jomard

Dias, N., L' invention scientifique de la Méditerranée: Égypte, Morée, Algérie. Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Paris, France. 1998. Published

Journal article

Cultural objects/natural objects: On the margins of categories and the ways of display

Dias, N., Visual Resources. 33 - 47. 1. 13. 1997. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/gvir20 . 10.1080/01973762.1997.9658409 . Published

Journal article

Modes de voir et modes de présentation: Anthropologie et musées au XIXe siècle

Dias, N., Antropologia Portuguesa. 7 - 20. 14. 1997. https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/antropologiaportuguesa/issue/archive . Published

Journal article

Images et savoir anthropologique au XIXe siècle

Dias, N., Gradhiva. 86 - 97. 22. 1997. https://journals.openedition.org/gradhiva/ . Published

Book chapter

O corpo e a visibilidade da diferença

Dias, N., Corpo presente. Treze reflexões antropológicas sobre o corpo . Celta Editora. Oeiras, Portugal. 1996. Published

Book chapter

O corpo e a visibilidade da diferença

Dias, Nélia, Corpo presente. Treze reflexões antropológicas sobre o corpo . Celta Editora. Oeiras, Portugal. 1996. Published

Journal article

Photographier ou mesurer? Les portraits anthropologiques

Dias, N., Romantisme. 37 - 49. 84. 24. 1994. http://www.armand-colin.com/ . Published

Book chapter

Looking at Objects: Memory, Knowledge in 19th century Ethnographic Displays

Dias, N., Travellers' Tales. Narratives of Home and Displacement . Routledge. Londres, United Kingdom. 1994. Published

Book review

Review A. Desvallées, Une anthologie de la nouvelle muséologia

Dias, N., 01-01-1994. https://www.persee.fr/doc/gradh_0764-8928_1994_num_15_1_1633 . Published

Book chapter

Un campo teorico in cerca d'individualità : l'antropologia in Francia alla fine del XIX secolo

Dias, N., Figure dell'Individualità nella Francia tra Otto e Novecento . Marietti. Génova, Italy. 1993. Published

Journal article

Le corps en vitrine. Éléments pour une recherche sur les collections médicales

Dias, N.; Dias, N., Terrain. 72 - 79. 18. 1992. http://terrain.revues.org/ . 10.4000/terrain.3033 . Published

Journal article

La Société d'Autopsie mutuelle ou le don du corps à la Science

Dias, N., Gradhiva. 26 - 36. 10. 1991. Published

Book chapter

Origines de l'anthropologie

Dias, N.; Jean Jamin, Dictionnaire de l'Ethnologie et de l'Anthropologie. Presses Universitaires de France. Paris, France. 1991. Published


Le Musée d'Ethnographie du Trocadéro (1878-1908). Anthropologie et Mu-séologie en France

Dias, N., Presses du C.N.R.S.. Paris, France. 1991. Published

Book chapter

'Associations savantes'

Dias, N., Dictionnaire d'Ethnologie et d'Anthropologie. Presses Universitaires de France. Paris, France. 1991. Published

Book chapter


Dias, N., Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Presses Universitaires de France. Paris, France. 1991. Published

Preface / Postscript

L'anthropologie comme science pure

Dias, N., Jean-Michel Place . 1990. Published

Journal article

Séries de crânes et armée de squelettes : les collections anthropologiques en France dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle

Dias, N., Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. 203 - 230. 3. 1. 1989. http://www.persee.fr/collection/bmsap . 10.3406/bmsap.1989.2581 . Published

Book review

Review Virey anthropologue

Dias, N., https://www.persee.fr/issue/gradh_0764-8928_1989_num_6_1. 01-01-1989. Published

Preface / Postscript


Dias, N., Jean-Michel Place. 1988. Published

Journal article

Vers l'archivage des objets : la naissance du Musée d'Ethnographie du Trocadéro

Dias, N., Musées Te Collections Publiques de France. 24 - 28. 178. 1988. Published

Conference paper

Staging and Exhibiting Hunting in non-European Cultures

DIAS, Nélia, Paris, France. 2015. Published

Other research outputs

Data updated on 09-10-2022, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

Other output

Para um arquivo dos cartazes da Índia da coleção Kwok On

Dias, N., 2021

Other output

Discussant papers

Dias, N., 2020

Other output

Les Projets de création de musées du fascisme et de l’expansion coloniale au Portugal: vicissitudes et controverses’

Dias, N., 2019

Other output

Est-ce qu'il y a une spécificité des musées de l'Europe du Sud?

Dias, N., 2019

Other output

Est-ce qu'il y a une spécificité des musées de l'Europe du Sud?

Dias, N., 2019

Other output

Le statut des objets de l'Asie dans les musées européens: entre objets d'art et arts 'minoritaires'

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

The 'Colonial' of Decolonising collections

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

Porquê preservar a diversidade cultural? Os valores do património e a noção de património em perigo

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

‘A Science in the Making? Comparison and the methods of comparison’, (Bi-annual Lecture)

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

‘Comparison as a way of establishing universals’

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

‘The ‘colonial’ of decolonizing collections’,

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

A Science in the making? The Museum of the monuments and the methods of comparison

Dias, N., 2018

Other output

A history set free from its objects?

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

‘Préserver? Des espèces menaces aux patrimoines en danger

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Que faire des héritages coloniaux? Le défi pour les musées

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Listes et Patrimoine: un couple indissociable?

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Préserver? Des espèces menacées aux patrimoines en danger

Dias, N., 2017

Other output


Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Le musée objet de recherche en anthropologie et en histoire

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Ethnology, Museums and Greater France

Dias, N., 2017

Other output

Discussant papers

Dias, N., 2016

Other output

Lamare-Picquot and the fate of his collection: Networks, Commercial Transactions

Dias, N., 2016

Other output

O corpo em cena: antropologia e raça

Dias, N., 2016

Other output

‘Lamare-Picquot’s collection: networks and commercial transactions’

Dias, N., 2016

Other output

Patrimónios em perigo e a conservação como valor

Dias, N., 2016

Other output

Para além da natureza e da cultura

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

A Tale of two museums in the 1930s: Ethnographic Politics in Paris and Hanoi

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

La biodiversité, la diversité culturelle et les valeurs

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

Mise en scène et mise en exposition de la chasse dans les cultures non occidentales - Musée de la Chasse

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

‘Mise en scène et mise en exposition de la chasse dans les cultures extra-européennes’

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

The cultures of circulation and migration museums

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

The circulation of knowledge between metropolis and colony: rethinking K. Raj's approach

Dias, N., 2015

Other output

Les Archives de la diversité humaine

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

‘From particular to global cultures: circulation and the center/periphery debate

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

Museums and Community Houses: what's the difference

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

Collections, anthropologie et les archives de la diversité humaine

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

Review C. Wintle, Collecting and Display. Encounters with Material Culture

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

Colecções antropológicas : a questão dos restos humanos

Dias, N., 2014

Other output

Preserving the Endangered

Dias, N., 2013

Other output

From Paris to Former French Indochina and back again

Dias, N., 2013

Other output

Les Ethnologues et le fait colonial dans les années 1930

Dias, N., 2013

Other output

Ethnographic Surveys in former French Indochina

Dias, N., 2012

Other output

Re-Assembling the Collections bis : the French Case

Dias, N., 2012

Other output

Collecting Practices: between the metropole and the colony

Dias, N., 2012

Other output

The Fate of Human Remains

Dias, N., 2012

Other output

Introduction to 'Endangerment and its consequences'

Dias, N., 2012

Other output

A importância da noção de cultura para os museus

Dias, N., 2011

Other output


Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Museu, diversidade cultural e diferença cultural

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Collecting practices and National Contexts

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Broca’s superb bones without odor

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Review M. Hagner, Des cerveaux de génie

Dias, N., Dias, N., Dias, Nélia, 2011

Other output

L'histoire et la protohistoire de la photographie anthropologique

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Les objets extra-européens au Louvre

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Qual a importância da noção de circulação em antropologia?

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

La collecte comme chasse

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Mesurer e analyser les sens: pour une approche anthropologue des sens

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Apresentação livro - Alice Duarte - O consumo para os outros

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Broca's beautiful bones and the cult of the dead

Dias, N., 2011

Other output

Recensão de Laurière, Paul Rivet savant et politique

Dias, N., Dias, N., 2010

Program / Show

Emissão Radio France International apresentação número temático revista 'Terrain' sobre Imitation


Other output

‘Les trophées de chasse et les têtes trophées

Dias, N., 2009

Other output

La mirada antropologica

Dias, N., 2009

Other output

‘Inclusions and Exclusions : Folklore and Ethnographic Museums in 19th century France’

Dias, N., 2009

Other output

Le trophée de chasse et les têtes trophées

Dias, N., 2009

Other output

‘Cultural Diversity and its Dilemmas

Dias, N., 2009

Other output

Mémoire et mémoires de Hamy

Dias, N., 2008

Other output

Diversidade Cultural e Des/igualdade no Museu do Quai Branly

Dias, N., 2008

Other output

Primitif, Populaire et Ancien : les collections du Trocadéro et la question des frontières disciplinaires

Dias, N., 2006

Other output

A dimensão intangivel do patrimonio’

Dias, N., 2006

Other output

Memória social e objectos de memória

Dias, N., 2006

Other output

Culturas e objectos do ponto de vista do antropólogo

Dias, N., 2006

Other output

Patrimoine matériel et patrimoine immatériel – l’exemple de l’Unesco

Dias, N., 2005

Other output

Musées ethnographiques et colonialisme

Dias, N., 2005

Other output

Les objets comme procureurs des cultures

Dias, N., 2004

Other output

Patrimoine matériel et patrimoine immatériel - l'exemple de l'Unesco

Dias, N., 2004

Other output

Patrimoine matériel et patrimoine immatériel - l'exemple de l'Unesco

Dias, N., 2004

Other output

Making Heritage : the Case of the Mediterranean

Dias, N., 2004

Other output

‘Imitation/ Hérédité : les stratégies d’appropriation de la différence

Dias, N., 2003

Other output

Imagining Americas. Anthropology and Collections in France

Dias, N., 2002

Other output

Anthropologie et biologie en France au XIXe siècle : les localisations cérébrales des organes des sens

Dias, N., 2001

Other output

What’s in a name?’Anthropology, museums and values, colóquio

Dias, N., Dias, N., 2001

Other output

French Anthropology and the Study of the Senses of the Primitive

Dias, N., 2000

Other output

Anthropology, museums and values

Dias, N., 2000

Other output

Review Collecting Native America

Dias, N., 2000

Other output

Review D. Poulot, Musée, nation, patrimoine

Dias, N., 1999

Other output

Musées d’ethnographie et exposer la différence culturelle

Dias, N., 1998

Other output

Images et savoir anthropologique

Dias, N., Dias, N., 1998

Other output

‘Contested Boundaries and Ambiguous Objects’

Dias, N., 1998

Other output

Les savants de l’Egypte ont-ils été des ethnologues avant la lettre?

Dias, N., 1998

Other output

-- Sem Título --

Dias, N., 1997

Other output

Museums as Arenas of Contested Interests and Identities

Dias, N., 1996

Other output

Recensão Ao encontro do povo, J. Freitas Branco e Luisa Tiago de Oliveira

Dias, N., 1995

Other output

Review A. Coombes, Reinventing Africa. Museums, material culture and colonialism

Dias, N., 1995

Other output

Anthropology and Visual Culture

Dias, N., 1994

Other output

Donner à voir l'invisible? Anthropologie et Musées au XIXe siècle

Dias, N., Dias, N., 1994

Other output

Jomard et l'émergence de l'ethnologie

Dias, N., 1993

Other output

Collecter des spécimens. Le Réalisme comme procédé rhétorique

Dias, N., 1993

Other output

Le Rôle du musée dans la recherche anthropologique

Dias, N., 1992

Other output

L'Invention du patrimoine? L'appropriation des objets exotiques

Dias, N., 1992

Other output

Memory and Knowledge in Ethnographic Displays

Dias, N., 1992

Other output

Un champ en recherche de légitimité: l’anthropologie française au XIXe siècle

Dias, N., 1991

Other output

Review Le cabinet de curiosités de la bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève

Dias, N., 1990

Other output

Les Collections anthropologiques en France

Dias, N., 1989

Other output

L'Héritage muséologique dans l'ethnologie française

Dias, N., 1985