Research Context
Portugal | Brazil | Catalonia | Israel/Palestine
Research Interests
Gender and Sexuality | Race | Post-colonialism | Human Rights
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
Miguel Vale de Almeida (Lisbon, 1960) is Full Professor of Anthropology at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and Researcher at CRIA - Centre for Research in Anthropology. With research in Portugal, Brazil, Spain, and Israel/Palestine, his work has focused on gender and sexuality, as well as on race and ethnicity, and postcolonialism. He published several books, two of which in English: The Hegemonic Male, on masculinity, and An Earth-Colored Sea, on Portuguese colonialism and postcolonialism in Portuguese-speaking countries. He has also published an edited volume on the body, Corpo Presente, co-edited one on colonialismo and post-colonialism, Trânsitos Coloniais, and published a collection of his essays on anthropology and citizenship, Outros Destinos, as well as a collection of newspaper op-eds, Os Tempos que Correm, a book of short stories, Quebrar em Caso de Emergência, and an award-wining science-fiction and dystopian novel, Euronovela. His latest books, in Portuguese, are A Chave do Armário, on issues of same-sex marriage and family, and Aliyah on state and subjectivity among Brazilian Jews in Israel. As an LGBT rights activist, he was a member of Portuguese Parliament, instrumental in the the passing of the equal marriage and gender identity laws.