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Data updated on 24-07-2022 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .
Portugal: one way to Europeanisation
Seabra, M.J., Fifteen into one? The European Union and its member states. Wolfgang Wessels; Andreas Maurer; Jürgen Mittag. Manchester University Press. Manchester, United Kingdom. 2018. Published
Data updated on 22-12-2024 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .
Seabra, Maria João, Fifteen into One: The European Union and its Member States. Isabel Cardana. Manchester University Press. Manchester, United Kingdom. 2003. Published
Data updated on 24-07-2022, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.
Seabra, M.J., 2019
Seabra, Maria João, 2018
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