Research Context
Research Interests
Agrobiodiversity | Traditional agricultural knowledge | Landraces | Climate change
Institutional Subunit
Biographical Note
Author of Guardar as Sementes: preservar a biodiversidade agrícola e a pluralidade cultural, (Deriva / Le Monde Diplomatique, 2017), based on the doctoral thesis (ISCTE-IUL, 2014), she carried out, for the CMA / Museu da Cidade de Almada, a Preliminary Study for a Live Museum of Arte-xávega in Costa da Caparica (2019) and, in partnership with the National Museum of Ethnology, the preliminary study for the Museum of Silk in Castelo Branco (APPACDM) - A sericicultura em Portugal: contributos para a sua história na Beira Interior. Miranda's donkey breed was the subject of the master's thesis.