Former members

Ester Gallo

Academic Degree



Visiting researchers


Research Context

India | Italy and Europe | Turkey

Research Interests

Migration and Mobility | Religion | Care Work | Kinship

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Ester Gallo is Associate Professor in Anthropology the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento. She previously held research and teaching positions at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies – EUI (Italy), the University of Gediz (Turkey), the University of Perugia (Italy), the University of Edinburgh and the University of Sussex (UK). Her longstanding research work cuts across skilled migration; kinship, migration and religion; gender and migrant care labour; colonial history, family memories and class; ethnographic and qualitative research methods. Her work is published in Global Networks, Sociology, Critique of Anthropology, The International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Gender, Place and Culture, Emotions, Space and Society, Social Anthropology, Diaspora, and Contemporary South Asia. Her books include: Migration and Religion in Europe. Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences (ed. Routledge, 2016); Migration, Masculinities and reproductive Labour: Men of the Home (Palgrave 2016, with Francesca Scrinzi); The Fall of God. Memories, Kinship and Middle Classes in South India (Oxford University Press, 2018). She is currently developing two publication projects: a special issue for the journal Qualitative Research, titled ‘Interrogating Bordering in Qualitative Research’ and a special issue for the Journal of Asian and African Studies on ‘The Social Life of Migration Categories’. Ester is currently running a 3-year Jean Monnet project on ‘European Societies and Academic Freedom – ESAF’ and a qualitative research on the relation between higher education and forced migration, with a focus on displaced scholars and students.


Visitor (2025-03-16 to 2025-03-23)

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