

PhD students Full members


Research Context

Guinea Bissau | Sierra Leone

Research Interests

Anthropogenic Habitats | Primate Conservation | Protective Cultural Beliefs | West Africa

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

My principal research interests lie in understanding the socio-cultural development of humans, the relationships between humans and wildlife and the influence of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity. I am passionate about the inclusion of existing cultural beliefs into conservation strategy and acknowledging the key role of people who share their landscape with protected species. My research and practical work to date has used interdisciplinary socio-ecological data to understand and address conservation dynamics, and issues and I am interested in taking this to the next level by developing novel techniques to achieve more effective and sustainable conservation outcomes in the long-term. I graduated with a BA degree with honors in History and Anthropology (2017) and a MSc in Primate Conservation (Human-Primate Interface) (2018) from Oxford Brookes University in the UK, which gave me an excellent grounding in the methods and application of multidisciplinary approaches. When planning my undergraduate dissertation in 2014, I developed an interest in understanding how cultural practices and beliefs influence peoples’ attitudes and behaviors towards the environment. I have been both conducting research and working in practical conservation roles across West Africa and South-East Asia developing and applying skills in this area ever since. Working in Sierra Leone, I have seen first hand the effects of top-down conservation action on people living in protected areas and the subsequent adverse effects on the habitat and the wildlife. Interestingly, nature often finds ways to adapt and chimpanzees are an excellent example of a species that can flexibly respond to anthropogenic habitat modifications. In my positions as Assistant Conservation Manager in Sierra Leone and Technical Research Advisor in Guinea Bissau, I conducted research on spatio-temporal use of habitats by people and animals, community conservation projects and environmental education programmes, with a particular focus on chimpanzees. I am extremely passionate about building on this research to further investigate and understand local practices and perceptions of wildlife and conservation projects in order to incorporate what people are already doing into conservation approaches. And so, in September 2021 I started a PhD in Anthropology at ISCTE and NOVA FCSH.

All projects

Data updated on 19-03-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


Understanding primate distribution, behaviour and human interactions through focus-group interviews inside and outside protected areas in Guinea-Bissau


Principal investigator

Financiers: British Ecological Society


LEKWILD - Outside Conservation: exploring the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term persistence of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) outside protected areas in Guinea-


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Outside Conservation: exploring the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term persistence of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) outside protected areas in Guinea-Bissau, We



Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Financiers: Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


In and Out of National Parks: the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term conservation of biodiverse anthropogenic landscapes in West Africa


PhD Student Fellow

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; University of Exeter Centre for Ecology and Conservation; Universidade Nova de Lisboa; ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


In and Out of National Parks: the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term conservation of biodiverse anthropogenic landscapes in West Africa


Principal investigator

Financiers: Global Wildlife Conservation; Re:wild


Reducing transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 to wild African great apes in tourism



University of Exeter Centre for Ecology and Conservation

Financiers: United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs; Darwin Initiative


Mobonda Community Conservation Project



Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Tacugama Community Outreach and Environmental Education Programme

Financiers: Global Environment Facility; United Nations Development Programme Sierra Leone; United Nations Office for Project Services


Mobonda Community Conservation Project



Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Tacugama Community Outreach and Environmental Education Programme

Financiers: Global Environment Facility; United Nations Development Programme Sierra Leone; United Nations Office for Project Services


Loma Mountains National Park Conservation Project: An approach to protect the largest populations of Western Chimpanzee in Sierra Leone



Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Tacugama Community Outreach and Environmental Education Programme

Financiers: US Fish and Wildlife Service


Family 4 Nature


Principal investigator

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary - Tacugama Community Outreach and Environmental Education Programme

Financiers: World Association of Zoos and Aquariums; Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund

All Publications

Data updated on 19-03-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Conference abstract

Understanding primate distribution, behaviour and human-primate interactions through group interviews inside and outside protected areas in southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Hockings, Kimberley; Minhós, Tânia; Frazão-Moreira, Amélia, 10-12-2024.

Conference abstract

Understanding primate distribution, behaviour and human-primate interactions through group interviews inside and outside protected areas in southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Hockings, Kimberley; Minhós, Tânia; Frazão-Moreira, Amélia, 10-12-2024.

Conference abstract

Socioecological Systems, Cultural Histories and Ecological Dynamics: Settlement Narratives in Southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Frazão-Moreira, Amélia, 20-11-2024.

Online resource

Where does a paper come from and what happens after?

Chesney, Chloe; Borges, Filipa, 04-04-2024. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/where-does-a-paper-come-from-and-what-happens-after .

Conference poster

Protect Great Apes from Disease: from assessing visitor compliance and developing education materials to next steps

Chesney, Chloe; Hockings, Kimberley, 10th Meeting of the European Federation for Primatology. 06-06-2024.

Conference abstract

Understanding primate distribution through group interviews inside and outside protected areas in southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Amélia Frazão-Moreira, 07-06-2024.

Conference abstract

Unveiling Cultural Histories and Ecological Dynamics: Settlement Narratives in Southern Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Frazão-Moreira, Amélia, 16-05-2024.

Online resource

Where does a paper come from and what happens after?

Chesney, Chloe; Borges, Filipa, 04-04-2024. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/where-does-a-paper-come-from-and-what-happens-after .

Conference abstract

Understanding primate distribution, behaviour and human-primate interactions through group interviews inside and outside protected areas in Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Minhós Rodrigues, Tânia; Hockings, Kimberley; Frazão-Moreira, Amélia, 18-01-2024.

Conference abstract

'Protect Great Apes from Disease': developing evidence-based education materials and the situation in Guinea-Bissau

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Hockings, Kimberley, 30-03-2023.

Online resource

Ceiba pentandra

Chesney, Chloe, 24-02-2023. https://chloechesney.wordpress.com/2023/02/24/ceiba-pentandra/ .

Conference abstract

Protect Great Apes from Disease: from assessing visitor compliance and developing education materials to integrating into policy

Chesney, Chloe; Nuno, Ana; Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka; Hockings, Kimberley, 23-08-2023.

Journal article

Range Extension of the Western Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas patas) in Northern Sierra Leone, West Africa

Chesney, Chloe; Borges, Filipa; Mohamed Kamara, Osman; Ramadan Bah, Mohamed; Taylor, Joseph; Bell, Sarah, African Primates. 53 - 62. 2. 17. 2023. http://www.primate-sg.org/storage/african-primates-journal/volume-172/AP%20Vol%2017%202%202023%20Chesney%20et%20al.pdf . Published

Journal article

Range Extension of the Western Patas Monkey (Erythrocebus patas patas) in Northern Sierra Leone, West Africa

Chesney, Chloe; Borges, Filipa; Mohamed Kamara, Osman; Ramadan Bah, Mohamed; Taylor, Joseph; Bell, Sarah, African Primates. 53 - 62. 2. 17. 2023. http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1200343/28630352/1704392080010/AP+Vol+17+2+2023+Chesney+et+al.pdf?token=Jel1677r23l5p%2Bu%2BpPAJlx7P4ZA%3D . Published

Conference poster

Protect Great Apes from Disease: from assessing visitor compliance and developing education materials to..? Proteger os Grandes Símios das Doenças: desde a avaliação do cumprimento de regras pelos visitantes e o desenvolvimento de materiais educativos até..?

Chesney, Chloe; Bersacola, Elena; Nuno, Ana; Hockings, Kimberley, Open Meeting of Primatology/Encontro Aberto de Primatologia . 04-11-2023.

Online resource

Understanding visitors at tourist sites to protect great apes from disease

Nuno, Ana; Chesney, Chloe; Maia Wellbelove; Bersacola, Elena; Gladys Kalema-Ziksoka; Fabian Leendertz; Amanda Webber; Hockings, Kimberley, 29-07-2022. https://relationalthinkingblog.com/2022/07/29/plain-language-summary-understanding-visitors-at-tourist-sites-to-protect-great-apes-from-disease/ .

Newsletter article

Keep Protecting Great Apes from Disease

Chesney, Chloe; Hockings, Kimberley, PEN: Primate Eye Newsletter. 36 - 39. 1. 1. United Kingdom. 20-06-2022. https://sway.office.com/1pfyBZZsIym0ybp8?ref=Link .

Online resource

Volume 1: A few quick thoughts on anthropology and biodiversity conservation

Chesney, Chloe, 14-07-2022. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/a-few-quick-thoughts-on-anthropology-and-biodiversity-conservation-part-1 .

Online resource

Volume 2: Climate Urgency and Anthropology's Ethnography: Fast Theory and Slow Methods

Chesney, Chloe, 11-08-2022. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/climate-urgency-and-anthropology-s-ethnography-fast-theory-slow-methods .

Conference abstract

In and Out of National Parks: the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term conservation of biodiverse anthropogenic landscapes in West Africa

Chesney, Chloe, 01-07-2022.

Conference abstract

In and Out of National Parks: the role of local ecological knowledge in the long-term conservation of biodiverse anthropogenic landscapes in West Africa

Chesney, Chloe, 18-12-2022.

Online resource

Before Fieldwork: Part 1

Chesney, Chloe, 14-09-2022. https://chloechesney.wordpress.com/2022/09/14/nunnery-quadrangle/ .

Online resource

Volume 3: Local Ecological Knowledge

Chesney, Chloe, 29-09-2022. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/local-ecological-knowledge .

Online resource

Before Fieldwork: Part 2

Chesney, Chloe, 28-09-2022. https://chloechesney.wordpress.com/2022/09/28/before-fieldwork-part-2/ .

Online resource

Fieldwork (November)

Chesney, Chloe, 14-11-2022. https://chloechesney.wordpress.com/2022/11/14/fieldwork-november-part-1/ .

Journal article

Understanding Visitors at Tourist Sites to Protect Great Apes from Disease

Nuno, Ana; Chesney, Chloe; Hockings, Kimberley, Gorilla Journal. 17 - 19. 65. 2022. https://www.berggorilla.org/fileadmin/user_upload/pdf/journal/journal_en/gorilla-journal-65-english.pdf . Published

Conference abstract

Protect Great Apes from Disease: developing evidence-based education materials to reduce anthroponotic disease transmission in wild African great ape tourism and research.

Chesney, Chloe; Nuno, Ana; Bersacola, Elena; Gladys Kalem-Ziksoka; Amanda Webber; Fabian Leendertz; Hockings, Kimberley, 27-11-2021.

Journal article

Protect Great Apes from Disease: Freely Available Education Materials for Research and Tourism

Chesney, Chloe; Hockings, Kimberley, African Primates. 47 - 50. 15. 2021. http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1200343/28492344/1641001558270/AP+Vol+15+Chesney+and+Hockings.pdf?token=19jFZHGDS60E%2FfI%2BdbXGH%2F42Mwg%3D . Published

Online resource

Launching the 'Protect Great Apes from Disease' Project

Chesney, Chloe, 08-08-2021. https://www.consciexeter.org/post/protect-great-apes-from-disease .

Journal article

Mobonda Community Conservation Project: Chimpanzees, oysters, and community engagement in Sierra Leone

Chesney, Chloe; Casado Bolaños, Natalia; Kanneh, Bockarie Ambrose; Sillah, Ethel; Amarasekaran, Bala; Garriga, Rosa M., American Journal of Primatology. 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23219 . 10.1002/ajp.23219 . Published

Thesis / Dissertation

Park Staff and Local Community Relationships in Outamba Kilimi National Park, Sierra Leone

master. Oxford Brookes University . 08-2018.

Journal article

Tourism or Ecotourism at Outamba Kilimi National Park, Northern Sierra Leone?

Chesney, Chloe, Canopy. 11 - 14. 1. 19. 2018. Published

Thesis / Dissertation

What can anthropologists contribute to the history of witchcraft? A comparison of early modern European and contemporary Javan magic beliefs.

degree. Oxford Brookes University . 06-2017.