
Academic Degree



Associated researchers


Research Context

Portugal | Angola

Research Interests

Practices and Politics of Culture | Intangible Cultural Heritage | Dance | Music

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

André Soares started his career as a radio culture journalist (TSF) and then moved on to television to a program of culture on RTP (Radio and Television of Portugal). He developed television formats for Angolan television and made two documentaries: one about the Struga Poetry Festival, Republic of Macedonia and another about Angolan Style between Luanda, Lisbon, Los Angeles and New York. Also edited a lifestyle magazine - "DIVO MAGAZINE". He develops strategic communication work in networks and also institutional communication about culture and scientific dissemination (being a journalist for the "Egg of Columbus" program of SIC-Television). In 2015 I defended my dissertation on the practice and diffusion of kizomba throughout the world under the Master in Anthropology, specialization Globalizations, Migrations and Multiculturalism, with the thesis focused on contemporary flows and circuits in culture and economy. At this moment I am attending the Doctoral Program Politics and Display of Culture and Museology at ISCTE-IUL, NOVA FCSH Universidade Nova Lisbon with funding from FCT - PD / BD / 137669/2018. _x000D_ I am a researcher at CRIA - Center in Research Network in Anthropology.

All projects

Data updated on 08-09-2024, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


eSefarad: modalities and practices of digital patrimonialization of the Sephardic cultural legacy in Mediterranean contexts


Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


O Semba enquanto património imaterial: políticas e imagens da cultura em Angola


PhD Student Fellow

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Informação e Cultura Digital Pólo FCSHNOVA

Financiers: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

All Publications

Data updated on 08-09-2024 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE .

Magazine article

Branquidade e etnografia: visões críticas e ativações a partir do trabalho de campo em Luanda

Soares, André C., DIÁLOGOS DE CAMPO Pesquisas de Campo Participativas em Debate. Simone Amorim. 84 - 94. 1. 1. Lisboa, Portugal. 03-11-2023. https://www.repository.utl.pt/handle/10400.5/29396 .

Journal article


Soares, André C., GIS – Gesto, Imagem e Som – Revista de Antropologia. 1 - 25. 1. 6. 2021. http://www.revistas.usp.br/gis . 10.11606/issn.2525-3123 gis.2021.174219 . Published

Preface / Postscript

Lugar de escuta, uma atitude antropológica

Raposo, P.; Soares, André C.; Silveira, M.; Nascimento, P., Cadernos Nauí - Dossiê Patrimônios (in)visíveis, colonialidade(s) em escuta. 6 - 12. 10. UFSC. --, Brazil. 2021. https://naui.ufsc.br/cadernos-naui/edicoes-anteriores/vol-10-n-18-jan-jun-2021/ . Published

Preface / Postscript

Lugar de escuta, uma atitude antropológica

Raposo, P.; Soares, André C.; Silveira, M.; Nascimento, P., Cadernos Nauí - Dossiê Patrimônios (in)visíveis, colonialidade(s) em escuta. 6 - 12. 10. UFSC. --, Brazil. 2021. https://naui.ufsc.br/cadernos-naui/edicoes-anteriores/vol-10-n-18-jan-jun-2021/ . Published