
Agnela Barros Wilper

Academic Degree



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Research Context


Research Interests

Archives | Oral tradition | History of anthropology

Institutional Subunit


Biographical Note

Former national director for artistic training of the Ministry of Culture of Angola and former lecturer at Agostinho Neto University. Assistant lecturer at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences – ISCED/Luanda of the Ministry of Higher Education. President of the Alliance Française de Luanda and manager of the Nacional Cine-Teatro, attached to the Chá de Caxinde Association. Journalist and executive director of "Revista de Bordo Austral", researcher and member of the jury of some prizes. Playwriter, TAAG inflight entertainment manager, member of the Angolan cinema association (APROCIMA) and of the Angolan theatre association. Member of the board of the African Theatre Association (AFTA) and of the JOCAR (Journaliste Culturels d'Afrique en Réseau).

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