CRIA announces that FCT individual call for the financing of 400 contracts for researchers (PhD holders) in all scientific areas, under the program Scientific Employment Stimulus promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), will open from September 30th to November 29th, 2024.
All information regarding the call can be found on FCT's webpage, although not all documentation neither the platform are yet available.
CRIA is available to act as host institution for Junior Researchers*.
Those interested in having CRIA as host institution should express their interest by September 29th, 2024, by completing the form, here:
Mandatory items in English, as requested by FCT:
1) Research Group and CRIA’s affiliated university where your application will take place;
2) Scientific and curricular path: summary of scientific and curricular career and main activities and results obtained since the date of receiving the PhD (maximum 3 pages).
3) Title and 5 keywords (please avoid repeat words that are on the title);
4) Research plan. According to the FCT notice, it must include the definition and contextualisation of the scientific objectives and questions, activities to be developed, expected results and the identification of the mission and scientific challenge to be framed within the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The proposed research plan should also demonstrate its integration into the strategy of the research unit and research group within which it will be developed* (maximum 3 pages);
5) CV (link to CiêciaVitae or pdf maximum 3 pages);
6) Motivation letter (maximum 1 page);
7) Career development plan (2025-2027/30) (maximum 3 pages, referring to which activities you intend to develop in CRIA besides CEEC. The CEEC contract has a maximum duration of 3 years, consecutive or interpolated up to a maximum of 6 years).
To learn more about CRIA:
The proposals will be examined and CRIA’s decision will be communicated to the candidates until October 8th 2024, through e-mail.
Applications to CRIA that do not have the mandatory items and/or received after the deadline (September 29th 2024) and/or that are not submitted via the form will not be admitted.
The FCT call is open from September 30th to November 29th 2024, 17:00 (Lisbon time).
The host institutions shall link up to the applications between December 2nd and 11th 2024.
FCT link:
Junior Researcher: PhD awarded for 5 years or less, counted at the closing date of the application submission period, with little post-doctoral research experience in the scientific area to which they are applying.
* CRIA's strategic plan will be sent upon request by e-mail to