Contextos de Pesquisa
Interesses de Pesquisa
Políticas de saúde | Inovação em saúde | Saúde Digital | Procura de ajuda em saúde | Cuidados de saúde baseados em valor | Imaginários sociotécnicos | Interoperabilidade humana | Antropologia dos futuros
Nota biográfica
José Carlos Pinto da Costa earned his PhD in Anthropology from NOVA in 2011. His current research is centered on the intricacies of health systems innovation, where he explores the intersection of various discourses and practices while prioritizing the incorporation of user needs into evolving health ecosystems. He is an active member of the Science and Democracy Network at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, chaired by Sheila Jasanoff.
Leading a dynamic research team at NOVAsaúde, José is dedicated to investigating the implementation of digital health solutions in Portugal. Additionally, he serves as an External Expert and Rapporteur for evaluating Action COST proposals and is a referee in several research projects, scientific reviews and conference presentations. He was appointed as Director of the Education section in ARIES Review and is member of several conferences' and reviews' scientific committees, as well as of several working groups across various COST Actions on social innovation and transformation.
Recently, José has directed his focus towards exploring how future imaginations shape present social actions and processes, advocating for an ethics of anticipation within anthropology.
Integrado/a (2024-01-01)