Contextos de Pesquisa
Portugal | Spain | Ireland | Latvia | Brasil | México | Perú | Mozambique | Dominican Republic
Interesses de Pesquisa
Social Inequality | Tax Anthropology | Gender | Work | Families | Political Power | Health | Sleep | Communication/ Education and ICT | Training Methodologies | Tourism | Religion
Nota biográfica
Isabel Marçano has been a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Scholar since the last years of the High School at Alcácer do Sal until finishing the Lic/ Bac, at NOVA/ Lisboa.
Isabel Marçano holds a PhD in Social Sciences/Sociology of Culture and a master's degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Culture from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL/FCSH) where she is a researcher at CICS.NOVA); she is also a researcher at CRIA/ISCTE-IUL. Postgraduate in "Sleep Psychology", and "Environmental Law" Course at the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP); certified European specialization in the active education/training methodology “Me & You/ North & South Approaches Europe” (social empowerment, gender equality and social integration); Course for Cooperating Teachers in Portuguese-speaking African Countries (UCP and Ministry of Foreign Affairs – MNE); specialization in Management of Non-Profit Organizations (Instituto Superior de Serviço Social); Lic. degree in Sociology (major in: Psychosociology of Organizations; Bio-Socio-Evolution; Sociology of Health; Administration and Management of Human Resources); invited researcher for Portuguese Acreditation of Traditional Arts and Crafts Program.
Teaching experience in private higher education and high school education, and guest speaker at public higher education.
Isabel Marçano started participating in action research projects in the community before completing her Lic./ Bac. degree. She has more than 20 years of experience in the specialized career of Vocational Guidance Counselors; Trainer of Trainers for the European Dimension. She has been a Trainer of Advisors at: UNIVAS, GIP's, Clubs for Employment and Senior Technicians in Mainland Portugal and Madeira Island. She is a Senior Staff member of the IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e da Formação Profissional); in 2006, she was appointed Representative of the MTSS and National Coordinator of the Specialized Technical Commission for Certification in the area of Health by order of the Secretary of State for Employment and Vocational Training No. 6671/2006, Diário da República No. 59 (2nd series).
She was part of the launch team of ANQ, IP (National Agency for Qualification), currently ANQEP; was at CITE (Commission for Equality in Work and Employment) and at the Sócrates and Leonardo da Vinci/ Erasmus Agency (currently Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency (ANE+EF); assessment of application projects at The European Year of Languages National Agency; assessement of experience and skills as a transnational expert in the construction of training profiles and professional certification; Trainer for Expressive Therapists; Psychotherapist recognized by the World Council for Psychotherapy.
Isabel Marçano actively participated in more than 30 Conferences, Congresses and Seminars; published several scientific articles and 2 books: in 2013, the book "Filhos de Engano – Amor, Sexualidade e Grupos Sociais no Alentejo" ("Children of Deception - Love, Sexuality and Social Groups at Alentejo"/ Portugal), was considered one of the best readings of the year by Diário de Notícias and received a 2nd edition in 2015; briefly, that book will be published in English with an update.
The book "Amantes do Sr. Trabalho – DesEmprego(s) em Portugal" ("The Mr. Labor Lovers - Portuguese UnEmployment(s)") edition - 2015.
Last Conferences participation:
2021 - S2B.32 The University goes to your home or to your bed: teenagers ending face-to-face interactions and managing of time of study and sleep - an exploratory study of Portuguese university teenagers. [La Universidad llega al dormitorio: el fin de las interacciones cara a cara y la gestión del tiempo de estudio y sueño de los adolescentes - un estudio exploratorio de adolescentes portugueses]. Isabel Marçano. CICS.NOVA Lisboa, Portugal. CRIA/ ICS Lisboa, Portugal. https://edunovatic.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/EDUNOVATIC21.pdf
2021 III ABRE Congress. ID: 259 - Submission accepted: "Sleep in Transition - Sleep of Brasilian Migrants and Jet Lag Changing Life's to Portugal". http://abre.eu/abre-iii/
2022 - Seminário Dar Asas ao Saber: Diálogos Multi, Inter e Transdisciplinares/ Giving Wings to Knowledge Seminar: Multi, Inter and Transdisciplinary Dialogues
Comunicação C10 Eixo C - Cognição e emoção nos processos educativos | Sala 5/ Cognition and emotion in educational processes | Room 5/ Comunicação "O Modelo de Complexidade de Edgar Morin e a Complexidade da guerra na Europa e dos Refugiadosem Fuga"/ Communication C10 Axis C "Edgar Morin's Complexity Model and the Complexity of War in Europe and Fleeing Refugees"Comunicação C26Eixo F – Construção de uma ética ecológica e planetária: Que caminhos?/ Communication C26 Axis F – Construction of an ecological and planetary ethics: Which paths? Communication "What Education in the Anthropocene? Towards a global ecological education (planetary, social and personal)". https://projetos.ese.ips.pt/cief2022/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/LivroResumosDarAsasSaber2022-errata2.pdf
Project "Um Empresário não Dorme: Atividade, Sono e Resiliência" - Estudo aprofundado dos empresários em Portugal (micro-empresas)". "Portuguese Entrepreneurs Do Not Sleep (small companies)"
Dir. Research
Small Cities, Big Problems: The Work that Nobody Wants!
Dir. Research