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The masters programme in Anthropology: Visual Cultures privileges two main fields of research. The first concerns the use of visual materials in researching, presenting and disseminating anthropological knowledge. It focus on the development and the technical and methodological issues of the ethnographic film, on documentary as a film genre, and on photography and its strategies. Students may explore these subjects in practical workshops. The second field addresses the study of visual systems and visible culture, that is, the production of social and anthropological knowledge through the analysis of images produced by others. Assuming the constructed nature of visual representations, this masters programme proposes the updating of the relationships between anthropology and image, opening up a new agenda of interests, discussions and research around the visual cultures of contemporary societies.

The mail goals of the Masters Programme in Anthropology: Visual Cultures are:

  • the acquisition of skills to understand the theories and practices of producing and consuming images,
  • the comprehension of the methods in anthropological research that allow for a critical assessment of the visual production objectified in different historical, social and cultural contexts,
  • the development of critical and practical tools to analyse visual representations, researching visual forms of presenting results though documentary, ethnographic film, photographic essay, museology, etc.

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A especialização Temas Contemporâneos do mestrado em Antropologia tem como foco a produção de conhecimento antropológico sobre múltiplos fenómenos que marcam a contemporaneidade em contextos portugueses, europeus e não europeus.

Os principais objetivos desta especialização são:

1. aquisição de ferramentas teóricas e metodológicas de investigação adequada à complexidade da realidade contemporânea;
2. desenvolvimento de capacidades de aplicação das competências antropológicas em situações profissionais.

Serão privilegiadas, entre outras, as seguintes áreas: Ambiente, Antropologia Aplicada, Cultura Material e Consumos, Direitos Humanos, Migrações, Movimentos Sociais, Património, Turismo, Primatologia e Conservação.

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For its commitment to the dialogue of cultural difference, situated in the heart of the tradition of social sciences and humanities, Anthropology is the discipline best suited for reflection on the questions and challenges put forth by contemporaneity, such as those of international relations and migration, of heritage and memory, of ecology and sustainability, and of human rights and the cooperation necessary for human development.

The MSc in Anthropology provides its students with an opportunity to deepen their abilities to reflect on the intentions, values, and instruments that guide the discipline in its different domains. In this framework, students produce research and projects on local and transnational contexts that are relevant to the domains that today require deepened intercultural dialogue.

As a general objective, the MSc in Anthropology aims to develop and deepen the skills required for research and projects of an applied nature in the areas of Social and Cultural Anthropology. To that end, it provides students with an up-to-date education in the theoretical and methodological tradition of Anthropology. The programme focuses furthermore on the contemporary expressions of social and cultural phenomena upon which the discipline has historically focused its critical analysis and intervention.

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Promotor Institutions

Universidade de Coimbra, CRIA-UC


The main objectives are to provide a course of advanced study devoted to the analysis of pressing issues in the contemporary world - technical-scientific knowledge, nationalisms and globalization, global health, digital cultures, museums and heritage - based on contemporary diversified ethnographic cases mainly Europe and Africa.

To prepare professionals working in local or international cooperation agencies, education, human rights, or cultural activities (associations, museums, municipalities, non-governmental organizations) with analytical and decision-making tools, which may identify, prevent and resolve conflicts arising from the clash of different cultural experiences.

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Universidade de Coimbra

Promotor Institutions

Universidade de Coimbra, CRIA-UC


The main objective of the Master in Medical Anthropology and Global Health is to provide a broad knowledge in topics such as health and disease, taking into account besides the biological dimension, cultural, socioeconomic, political and ecological factors that also have influences in the answer of the human populations to health problems. A solid and deep knowledge that provide skills to better understand and characterize the patterns of human health in several contexts – rural, semi-urban, urban, developing and industrial societies, - and that will give a better understand how challenges of globalization have a local impact in health and life of people and communities.

At the end of the master in medical anthropology the student will have skills that enable him to answer the following problems in the field of human health:
- to characterize the health pattern in several ecological, political and economic contexts;
- to be able to do intervention in the emergent health problems in consequence of migration from rural to urban places and the appearance of new disease patterns;
- to be able to develop strategies to a better understanding and resolution of the health effects of globalization in the health and well-being of people and communities;
- to be able to do interventions in the political contexts of infectious diseases, chronic diseases, malnutrition and violence.

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Universidade de Coimbra

Promotor Institutions

Universidade de Coimbra, CRIA-UC

Funding Entities


Este mestrado centra-se no impacto que dinâmicas contemporâneas como digitalização, urbanização, transformações ambientais e climáticas têm nas relações entre pessoas, comunidades ou diferentes populações (humanas e não-humanas) quer seja numa escala local ou planetária.

O mestrado privilegia diálogos inter/multidisciplinares entre ciências naturais e sociais e humanas, bem como trabalhos criativos que vão além academia e almejem a transformação individual e societal.

Sediado no DCV, o mestrado tem docentes de diferentes áreas do conhecimento – ciências socias e naturais – que trabalham em várias áreas geográficas - Portugal, África, Ásia e Antártida entre outras.

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Universidade de Coimbra

Funding Entities


Este curso irá explorar as interações entre humanos e outros animais não-humanos em ambientes partilhados, considerando os humanos como elemento integrante desses ecossistemas e explorando formas de coexistência sustentável. Os primatas formam um grupo de espécies extremamente diverso que inclui espécies tão distintas como os humanos e os seus antepassados, os macacos aranha ou os társios. A diversidade deste grupo animal constitui uma incomparável oportunidade para se compreender processos adaptativos em diferentes contextos socio-ecológicos. Assim, neste curso de mestrado, os primatas são usados como modelos para se compreender evolução e adaptação em diferentes ambientes, incluindo aqueles que se encontram em rápidas mudanças como são os ambientes antropogénicos e a sua crescente relevância para a conservação de espécies e ecossistemas ameaçados.

Estando inserido num mestrado em Antropologia, o ramo de especialização em Primatologia e Ambiente combina conhecimentos e metodologias das ciências sociais e biológicas, de forma a abordar de uma forma integrada a complexidade da coexistência de humanos e espécies não-humanas em ambientes partilhados e em constante mudança.

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